Jul 07, 2005 05:17
Humans aren't prepared biologically for refridgerators and the other conviences of civilization. In the past if a person got hungry he either had to wander through the forest picking berries that might kill him or go beat an animal to death to get some food. This would also take up a good portion of the day.
However, humans have exceled beyond hunting for food, or working for our necessities. I don't think this in itself is a problem, but it might create unforseen problems in years to come. I wonder what kind of battles would take place over a shrub that could grow pizza rolls in the days of the early human. Our taste buds were basically designed for bland vegetables and meats. Now we can pack more fat into a smaller amount of food that would ever be naturally possible. Is evolution going to catch up? When are our bodies going to realize that we have food at our disposal and it doesn't need to be "hungry" as often. Hunger is a biological tool to make our bodies do something, but now we don't have to do anything to get rid of hunger. That means it's lost 1/2 of it's purpose. Now we have so much food people need to go to a designated area to exercise.
Why would we rather pay money to go lift a weight, than build a house or do some manual labor that is useful? Probably A/C. It's too damn hot in florida to go outside. They should make gyms harnass the work effort that's going on. We have all seen the cartoons of mice on wheels powering various places or objects. Humans on treadmills should be powering the gym. Maybe they could start setting up a treadmill in peoples houses that helped reduce the need for outside electricity. We have seperated two things that should go together, (hunger and work) and made both of them useless.
We need time to catch up.