
Jul 21, 2006 22:43

As I danced and swerved around in my empty apartment, I felt a deep growth of nostalgia toward Ames... To those who don't know, I'm moving to Alabama tomorrow. I guess I was caught up in the rush of packing stuff, taping boxes, and then stacking them into the moving truck. But now, after getting through the rush, I realize more and more that I will truly miss Ames.

A happy part of today was that I got to see Chaz and, coincidentally, Coyle and Sam. I actually hung out with Chaz for over two hours, which made my day a little happier in a bittersweet way. Although I've only known all of you for one year, I feel like a part of me will never leave Ames. Haha... I sound all cliche-ish, but it's late at night so I cannot think of creative writing techniques.

I guess I want to use this post to say my last goodbyes to people.. X) I'll try to include all the Ames friends I know, and I'll add Andy S. in it just for kicks.

Char--Heya.. *hugs* Hehe... Thanks for being here for me this year. <3 You be t3h awesomeness, and you know that. Remember to try to write some letters, mkay? Toodles. ^__^ Sigh, there's no way I can ever end my message, so I'll just leave it to here and extend on it through email, for other people's sake. XD
Jacob--YAY! I'm so grateful that we became close friends! I loved how we can be weird with each other. Even though we ran into slight conflicts at times, you've put up with me. We must go out for ice cream again sometime.
Laurel--*pokes side* You're a weird kid, but you're good, so that's happy. I dare you to take VonBehren's PE class again. XP
James H.--You'll never read this, but brb. Jk, kiddo. Thanks for the neat stuff, but not for the magic cards. I hope one day you'll see what's good for you and quit magic (ha, like that's going to ever happen).
Jimmy--I wish you won't beat Chaz to death. Honestly, I would be very saddened if you do. Well, um, thanks for not killing me during Ampguard.
Coyle--What's your record for drinking soda? Sigh, I did not get to know you too well this year, but I hope you'll have fun next year.
Dagny--o_____0 APUSH was the classic, even though I abandoned the exclamation marks. Yay for awkward dances.
Tommy--Rock, papers, scissors, shoot! I DARE YOU. (Sigh, I got pwned again)
Sam--Waldo is a cute kitty. You're bday partay was really fun. Sigh, we should def. keep in touch, yesh?
Aaron--You're still working at Valentino's, aren't you? Well, thanks for being my study hall table mate. Yeah! That was fun.
Clarence--LOL. o____0 Orange. You lose. Umm... Don't hit people with lunchboxes; that really hurts.
Andy S.--I'll try to steal that piece of bandwith from you ASAP. It's nice to get to know you this year through the awesome people of Ames. I'll send you something on Weather Day. *grin*

I hope I didn't forget to mention anyone. Bah... Anyhow, I would really love to keep in touch with all/most of you. I'll be annoying Chaz until he gives me a full list of email addresses. Haha, feel ready to be spammed by me. As for number, ask Chaz, since I'm afraid to post it online. Afterall, you, the reader, can be a creepy sixty year old man. o__0

I guess my main wish is for people to sign stuff, like a t-shirt or something. Or I can blackmail the yearbook from Chaz. I really want to see how it turned out.

Again, nice knowing you all Iowans! Have a good one.



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