Put down the ashtray and step away from the crazy!

Oct 29, 2008 18:58

MF!!!!!!!! I have had such a shitty 2 days!!! I just want to crawl into a hole and die!

Yesterday, Ben broke the ellipical on his 4th time using it! I was on my way up to tell him it sounded funny when I heard him hit the ground and curse.....BROKE METAL for fucks sake!  so no work out for me anytime soon *FUMES* Thank Goddess I got the warranty!

I'd just go to the school gym but I fucking hate it b/c it is so GROSS, no one wipes anything down and the only time it isn't packed is after lunch which means I would have to shower there = fucking crazy, my skin is crawling at the very thought!!!!!

Then shit with the parents, for the love of evil. I'm 32, don't you think I can handle some bad news!

Then I was told all the anatomical work I have been doing for my thesis is not going to work out. The real shitter, my committee sent me on this route when I wanted to do something different...well guess the fuck what?? Yeah, I should be doing what I suggested 6 months ago at my proposal!!!! So 5 months of work down the crapper....I am livid!!!! Especially with Neuroscience in 2 1/2 weeks in DC! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!

And I don't even want to get into today...just more of the same shit..... And I need to be productive, the party is in 3 days, Hallow's in 2 but I am so pissed off right now I just needed to smash and vent..ofcourse now I have to clean up my venting which happend in a room I had already cleaned for the party..... I am an idiot sometimes...meh, most of the time!

Maybe tomorra' will be better!

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