Yahoo Update ^_^

Dec 14, 2006 00:18

Well, after 2 weeks of e-mails I have given up on getting my yahoo account back. I still have no idea how or why my password just stopped working after 5 yrs but what are ya gonna do *shrugs* Turns out that when I registered the account I must have not entered my real birthday (now why in the world would I do that? I love when my b-day is!!!!!) so there is nothing I can do *meh*

So....I have a new account and seems I was smart enough to create an alt account to be moderator of my groups back when yahoo deleted my 1st account and groups w/out notice..... so there is no harm done other than the lost e-mails from the last 2 weeks which can mostly be fixed through LJ ^_^ My new ID is Nao_Bluhe ^_^ It is nice that yahoo does the underscore now so its basically the same ID I had ^_^ Okay, add it if ya want ;-P
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