Stolen feom daniel

Dec 17, 2003 20:18

name: Kire
birthday: January 25
hair length: long
eye color: blue
hair color: straberry blond (its more red now cuz its winter)
piercings: ears
tattoos: none but hopefully one day

perfume: Angel and NO not the victoria secrests one!!!!
t.v. show: Buffy, Angel, The daily show
movie: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shrek, Coyote Ugly, Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliet, The Three Muskateers, Space Balls, The Princes Bride, The Pirates of the Carrebean, Finding Nemo, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Marry Poppins, The Sound of Music,My fair Lady, Funny Girl, Hello dolly, The laberenth, A knights Tale, Bidcage, Hewig, life with Mikey, Benny and Joone, muppet movie, muppet tresure Island, Clue, Muppet cristmas carol, White crismas, The cort jester, the great adventures of walter middy,7 brides for 7 brothers, The incredible Mr. Lmpet, dirty dancing, pretty woman, and manny manny more
band/singer: evenesence, Martina McBride (however these chang all the time)
subject: lunch/ Play Production
fruit: kiwi, straberry, cantalope, mago, cherrys, pineapple
month: july
season: Summer
holiday: crismas
do you believe in love at first sight? i think
do you get along with your parents? my mom
do you think about suicide? no
do you drink? Ive had sips of things but never even a gulp
do you do drugs? only asprin
do you smoke? no
have you ever been used? yea....
have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have? yes... I LOVE YOU SPIKE!!!!!

best questions!
best person to talk to: depends on the subject matter
best feeling: ya know that point when your breath is just taken away by something that one
best thing in the world: shallow answer: acting deep answer: friendship
best stuffed animal you own: our crismas moose
best thing that happened to you yesterday or today: SOme one told me i was a great friend and i get a god smelly jornal!!
last questions!
last time you cried? 2 fridays agoit was only like watery eyes
last movie you saw in a theater? Cat in the Hat
last movie you rented? Isnt she grate
last movie you bought? i dont remember
last song you listened to? summin form mulan rouge
last tv show you watched? will and grace
last song that was stuck in your head? Popeye the sailor man theme song
last person you were thinking of? angie
last person you talked to: on line daniel in real life jamie
last person you hugged: maegan
last person you went to eat out with: rim bowling on friday
last person you called: i dunno
last person who called you: i have no idea
last person who made you smile? angie
last person who made you laugh? i dunno lots oO peopel are funny
last person who said they loved you? i dont remember probly my mom

closest? corinne, Talia , Eugene, Daniel,
who lives farthest away? megan soon
who lives closest to you? Alica
who is the tallest? brandon
who is the shortest? me
who is the loudest? Corinne
who is the smartest? brandon
who sings the best? i dunno
who makes you smile most? everyone
who do you turn to the most? its a tie corinne and eugene

sunset or sunrise: both sry im a ruke braker
diamond or pearl: diamond
romantic or boring: romantic
movies or rentals: movies
spring or fall: spring
beach or pool: beach
beer or wine: wine, only straberry the only alcolhol i ve ever taseted that i like at all
bonfire or fireplace: bonfire
eminem or justin timberlake: both suck how can i shoose
kissing or making out: kissing
cd or radio: CD
driving or walking: driving
t.v or movies: depends
inside or outside: usually outside
diamond ring or diamond necklace: ring i guess
email or snail mail: e-mail mostly but i do love handwritten letters alot but e-mail is such an effective way of communicating
mall or flea market: mall
something that no one knows: Im a trasvestite... no not really.. umm i dunno even if i did wht would i put it on the internet you moron!!
If I were a month I would be::: january is my Bday
If I were a day of the week I would be::: friday or saterday my play days
If I were a time of day I would be::: midnight
If I were a planet I would be::: pluto
If I were a animal I would be::: a farie
If I were a direction I would be::: west its always been my favorite
If I were a piece of furniture I would be::: umm a night stand yo ucan tell alot about a person by a night stand
If I were a sin I would be::: i dunno i guess smelly ? is that a sin ??

If I were a historical figure I would be::: Queen elizibth the first
If I were a liquid I would be::: blood, it is the essence of life
If I were a tree I would be::: teh charlie brown tree
If I were a flower/plant I would be::: a rose
If I were a movie id be::: white crismas (today)
If I were a kind of weather I would be::: warm and only a little bit brezzy
If I were a musical instrument I would be::: a harp
If I were a color I would be::: id be that color that changes color ya know that one...
If I were a vegetable I would be::: broclii its my favorite (no sarcasum it relly is )
If I were a sound I would be::: wind in the trees or laughter

If I were an element (not scientific) I would be::: fire or water
If I were a car I would be::: and oldie convertible
If I were a song I would be::: Come What May
If I were a food I would be::: mak and cheez
If I were a place I would be::: NYC or LA
If I were a material I would be::: velvet
If I were a taste I would be::: vanilla

If I were a scent I would be::: vanilla
If I were a word I would be::: apifiany its my favorite
If I were an object I would be::: a stick
If I were a body part I would be::: eyes ot hands
If I were a facial expression I would be::: intested
If I were a cartoon character I would be::: SIMBA
If I were a shape I would be a:: star
If I were a number I would be::: 666 no im kidding i would be 3
If I could, I would::: make everyone i know (who deserves it) as happy as can be forever
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