Dec 27, 2005 17:33
So this christmas has been weird for hasn't felt like christmas at all...and my birthday kind of sucked....for my birthday, i got back the day of, so all my friends from school are in ontario (like 5 of them called me at once though and sang me happy birthday on my cell phone which was really sweet of them...) and all the ones from here either didn't know i was here, or were too busy studying to do anything about it...oh well....BUT BUT BUT (tying it into christmas) for christmas, i got so much amazing stuff...including the trip for montreal i was hoping for...because this is going to be my birthday's going to rock major bottom...there are going to be like 20 people going and we're goign to be crashing at McGill...and you only have to be 18 too...that's always a plus :D good times....otherwise in the christmas haul, i did exceedingly well...i got lots of cash, the trip to montreal, a trip to NYC at reading break courtesy of my tres wealthy aunt and well as a whole shitload of hideous clothes...all of which i have receipts for = more cash/my own choice of clothes :D...among other aunt and uncle and cousins are also here...which is good and bad...i wish i could turn them off aunt is a genius and really cool...but her husband is from tennessee and insufferably ignorant ie:
mark (uncle): so you speak japanese right?
me: yeah
dad: yeah, he's really good at it too...though we're kind of trying to figure out what kind of work it can get him
mark: well i think the logical conclusion for someone with japanese would be something along the lines of spying for the CIA or the FBI
good job mark, you 'tard....who the hell's first impression for a job (ESPECIALLY ME) for someone with a second language would be spying? and since when is japan a huge threat to american security? southern US...gotta love it...
my cousins are also...meh...the older one is 12 and she's a tomboy, but she's kind of cool...the six year old is an intolerable 'know-it-all' bitch...she's such a little princess that bitches about everything and all i ever want to do is hit her upside the head with a shovel...ok that's not true but she's annoying, possessive, never shuts up, and doesn't do what she's told...pretty much everyone's idea of a little shit that should be sent to boarding school....'s dinner time...and that was a shitty update for the first one in a while...very ranty, but fuck's my LJ