Various things (as the emails between me and my boss are always titled)

Oct 20, 2008 20:49

1. I'm back (in case anyone noticed I was gone!) from 12 days volunteering at the Cheltenham Lit Fest, which was an amazing, if exhausting, experience (12 fourteen-hour days straight). Got to meet very many very cool people, and very many very famous authors (and had tea with Ruth Rendell, eee!).

2.( Numb3rs 502 and 503 )

numb3rs, criminal minds, episode reviews, sga

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Comments 35

dirty_diana October 20 2008, 20:08:19 UTC
Colby to David: You gave her our distress word?

Could they possibly be any more of an old married couple?!

No. They could not. David was so jealous over Colby's hookup with Morena, it was adorable.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:35:39 UTC
He really was - and I love that Colby's response to having done a stupid thing is to hide from David, while simultaneously hoping David will find him. It's cute... in a really really weird way.


carta October 20 2008, 20:16:22 UTC
could we *please* be done with (a) Carson randomly reappearing (why can't he go off and be dead, already?)

Seriously. I was so pissed when they caved to the vocal fans and brought him back. Pointless, pointless, pointless, and too close to the "jump the shark" edge for me.

I think John would be a horrible boyfriend, honestly. He'd never tell you anything, and while the mysterious detached persona is cute to watch, it would be hell to actually be in a relationship with. imo.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:22:43 UTC
I think John would be a horrible boyfriend, honestly. He'd never tell you anything, and while the mysterious detached persona is cute to watch, it would be hell to actually be in a relationship with. imo.Oh, absolutely. I'd kill him in about a day and a half (assuming I somehow sustained a head injury that turned me straight again for some reason!). But as the object of a crush, particularly when you don't know him that well anyway, he just seems so much more logical than Rodney ( ... )


carta October 20 2008, 20:31:52 UTC
he just seems so much more logical than Rodney.
I don't know - I've always gone for the nerdier types. Bookish and faintly annoyed is kind of my favorite flavor. And if you look at fandom even as represented merely on LJ, Rodney definitely has a lot of women panting for him.

There definitely have been women falling for John over the past 5 seasons. There was that woman in the episode Flanigan wrote, the woman in that bizarre tower episode in I think Season 2, Larrin definitely had a little zing for Sheppard, the Ascended woman from Season 1, hot scientist woman in the hallway in The Tao of Rodney, etc. Even the thirteen-year old Harmony liked John before switching her affections at the last minute to Rodney. (vague yes, but I am crap at remembering character names)

You're right as far as Ronon goes, though. No one ever crushes on him. Except for maybe John, haha.

Anything to do with Carson annoys me. Bleh.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:39:07 UTC
And if you look at fandom even as represented merely on LJ, Rodney definitely has a lot of women panting for him.

But *why*??? I just don't get why everyone thinks he's so wonderful, I really don't. I mean, fair enough, obviously a large number of people disagree with me, which, you know, go them :), and I'm sure they'd look at me and go, but why Sheppard? I just find it bizarre that Rodney has such a large following compared to the others, when I'd expect it to be more evenly split, I guess.

You're right as far as Ronon goes, though. No one ever crushes on him. Except for maybe John, haha.

So true :)


skieswideopen October 20 2008, 20:16:29 UTC
Welcome back!

I fell in love with Emily at the beginning of season 3, when she resigned rather than spy on the team. Yes, she has the connections to make it a less costly decision for her than it would be for others, but nonetheless, she undoubtedly worked hard to get there, and giving it up (or offering to give it up) could not have been easy.

I don't remember 3.03 well enough to remember if they implied Emily had been raped, but I seem to recall that a lot of season three was about Spencer, so it wouldn't surprise me if that episode was too.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:25:14 UTC
You know, on reflection, I think I mean season 4, not season 3. I've lost track of how many seasons they have, but anyway, the current one.

I think I fell for Emily when she tried to tell Gideon that Reid needed help, in the one where they were in New Orleans. Because she still doesn't quite get how they work, and she's not a natural at that kind of thing, and she's the newest member, which makes it awkward, but she's so willing to try anyway, despite him being kind of a dick to her that episode.

Also, she has the same first name as me, and I'm just that shallow :)


skieswideopen October 20 2008, 20:44:59 UTC
Season four is the current one, which I only know I looked it up after you posted.

Up until that final scene on the plane, I thought she was just beaten, not raped. After that scene, I wasn't sure. I still think she might have just been beaten--probably too old for the cult leader's tastes--but I'm not positive.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:57:01 UTC
I prefer to think she was just beaten, and as you say, probably too old for the cult leader (who also seemed pretty busy). But then, taken away and tied up on a bed, and the wrapping herself up in thick warm clothes on the plane and... I dunno. It was a pretty blaze ending if she had been raped, though, and cm is usually better than that.


bergann October 20 2008, 20:22:48 UTC
in which David berates him for cheating on Lorne (who is, hello, off risking his life, way to be a supportive partner) and refuses to lie to Lorne about it.

I can't help but be amused through my annoyance at Colby on this (because seriously Colby, did you go skinny dipping in the stupid pool or something?), that I started off the Colby/Lorne shippers with my weird thought of 'Lorne and Colby, now wouldn't THAT be something'. Just way amused.

Also, please write it. *beams convincingly at you*


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:43:05 UTC
Yeah, I totally blame you for this plot bunny, by the way - I read your Lorne/Colby fic and now I'm seeing them everywhere!

Also, please write it. *beams convincingly at you*

Beaming not required - at this rate, I'll be writing it just to get it out of my head!


bergann October 20 2008, 20:52:03 UTC
Hee, well, I take that blame pretty gladly, I have to admit. I've been hoping other better writers will take the pairing up *g*

Well, every little bit helps in my opinion so I'll be beaming all the same.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:58:10 UTC
I've been hoping other better writers will take the pairing up *g*

None of that - I love the way you write them, none of this 'better writers'! Though *more* writers would be nice, unless we can clone you so there are twice as many Lorne/Colby fics :)


ariadne83 October 20 2008, 20:24:41 UTC
John being all angst-ridden about how Rodney keeps literally disappearing before his very eyes, a la all the fic with the reverse from season 1?
gnine made a comic that I really like.


bluflamingo October 20 2008, 20:43:40 UTC
Aw, so cute, and so exactly what I was thinking of :)


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