Does David Hewlett have it written into his contract that he doesn't kiss on screen these days or something? I mean, honestly, you just found out you're not going to die and your response is to give the woman you were about to ask to marry you a HUG?? If that doesn't tell you that you shouldn't be doing it (especially when you've been together for a year and a half) what does?
But, thank heaven that plotline's hopefully done with, and didn't even involve killing off Katie. I hate on screen relationships in shows like Atlantis anyway, but this one annoyed me even more because, seriously, we're supposed to believe that this is some great love affair, apart from the way we never see her except when she's needed for the plot? And she's never even mentioned? Sorry, not buying it.
On the other hand, Keller and Ronon are sweet - them I could buy. Though, Keller, seriously, how do you THINK he knows about Jaws? Special psychic mind reading powers? Trying to blow out the door was amusing, as was the fact that it failed dismally, and I like Keller's angsty genius back-story - an explanation for why she's the CMO but so young, yay!
In minor other things...
1. Zelenka's pigeons are back! (I was just watching Echoes the other day). Him and Sam discussing them in the transporter was fab.
2. John - please no with the climbing up the walls. Even knowing he was going to make it I couldn't watch. Thank God Teyla didn't follow him.
3. Lorne's little gesture when John asked if that was all the C4 he had, like, what do you want me to do? Hee! Though, since he was all dressed up to go off-world (unless that's how he always dresses in the city, I don't remember), you'd think the rest of his team might have been kicking around the gate room somewhere with more explosives. Maybe he was just early?
4. Teyla looks absolutely gorgeous in this episode. Though very dressed up, for her, not that I'm complaining.
ETA: And I know a lot of people are complaining about people running Rodney down on the show, but I actually think Zelenka's 'and it wasn't anything Rodney did' doesn't read that way. I mean, the most logical assumption, once you've figured out that there isn't really an outbreak, is that Rodney made a mistake setting up the protocols, not because Rodney isn't perfectly capable of doing it right, but because human error is pretty much always most likely. And Ronon's 'did you hear that Rodney thought it was a real outbreak', or whatever he said - they tease! It's meant with affection! That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
In less happy squeefulness, I have a cold :( though since I work in a hospital, I suppose I should be grateful that's all I have. I also have two full days with nothing to do but write about John in SG1 pining after Cameron Mitchell, and instead I want to go lie down and go back to sleep because I feel so light headed. This is not a good combination!