SGA: Tied Up, Sticking Around (Lorne/McKay)

Jan 01, 2008 23:08

Title: Tied Up, Sticking Around
Author: bluflamingo
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Lorne/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~12,500
Feedback: Yes please. Even if it’s bad. Especially if it’s bad.
Disclaimer: No, I don’t own them. To my profound disappointment.

Summary: Things don't exactly work out how he was expecting when Rodney gets dragged to an art exhibition (Earth-based AU)

A/N: My sga-santa fic, for sonotgoingthere, who gave me four days of staring at the prompt going I can't write that!, then 12,500 words of mildly kinky Lorne/McKay romance.

Tied Up, Sticking Around

lorne/mckay, fic, sga

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