1. What did they do to Ronon?! Last two seasons, I was completely indfferent to him and now I'm all bouncy and excited every time he comes on screen - what happened?! Not that this is a bad thing. I think it's the way he keeps shooting members of the expedition and seems actually kind of happy about getting to do so (maybe he's working out some repressed issues?)
2. Poor Lorne - two weeks ago he nearly shot Sheppard, this week he ended up leading a drugged up band of soldiers and nearly shot Teyla (and Sheppard again). I think if I was Sheppard I'd be getting a complex - think Lorne's subconsciously trying to take over his job?
3. I loved the way they structured this, with the flashbacks revealing a little bit even as the present parts brought up more questions. Though it's kind of a sad comment on me when I think how long it took me to realise that Sheppard and Ronon were missing in the present. But even knowing it was all going to work out in the end, I was feeling the suspense.
4. I'm thinking Memento was one of the team movie night films not long ago (which, hey, ties into 'Traveling the Line' with Lorne coming along to team night... huh, maybe he's figured out Sheppard's feelings and is trying to turn him down gently by threatening to shoot him when he's not in his right mind... and damn, now I want to write that!)
5. I wish they'd drop the Rodney/Katie thing - I know everyone else thinks it's cute but I could really live without it. Especially at the end - endings are for team moments! It's a tradition! Plus, it annoys me that SGA currently has three very cool female characters, and then one who only appears as part of a romantic sub-plot. Or maybe it's just that I'm not interested in romantic sub-plots - what's wrong with them all being single?! They're busy trying to save the galaxy, it's totally reasonable that they don't have time for romance!
6. Ronon! and Teyla! Especially Teyla being so patient with Rodney and knowing just the right thing to say, and Ronon being so impatient with Sheppard and eventually just shooting him as the best way to get round the problem, but then being really nice to him when Sheppard tried to shoot him.