Firefly: Crew Manifest (Zoe mostly gen)

Sep 27, 2007 14:28

Title: Crew Manifest
Author: bluflamingo
Fandom: Firefly
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2108
Feedback: Yes please. Even if it’s bad. Especially if it’s bad.
Disclaimer: No, I don’t own them. To my profound disappointment.

Summary: A lot of people didn't see it, but Zoe had a family, right there (post Serenity The Movie with attendant spoliers)

A/N: For choc_fic prompt:Zoe/author's choice, domesticity/intentional family, 'More I think about it, sir, not sure I ever had any you *did* approve of'; beta'd by lady_anemone.

Crew Manifest

firefly, fic

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