Someone claimed my Ford/Lorne prompt from
choc_fic! It's sad how happy that makes me.
Actually two other someone's claimed two of my other ones as well, so there will be Teal'c/Cameron and Sheppard/Ford fic to come. Am gleeful and happy about this, which makes up for the fact that I fell over ice skating at the weekend and banged up the knee that I damaged ice skating this time last year and just got discharged from the physiotherapist for.
Um... OK, pretend that sentence had actual grammar please!
Of course, I couldn't resist the temptation to claim prompts to write (cos heaven knows I don't have *enough* fic to write for challenges) and now have two, cos not only am I instantly seduced by new prompts, but I also can't make up my mind. Claiming's open till the 13th, and there's still loads of prompts left (but I will *not* go look to see if there are any others I want. Will not.)