TWW: Going Home (Ellie, Jed)

Jun 27, 2007 22:05

From raedbard's prompt of Ellie, Jed, "somewhere we used to live": Going Home, post-West Wing, my fix for the weird bit of canon that was Ellie getting pregnant and married.

ETA: from black_eyedgirl's prompt of Wash&Simon "waiting is the hardest part" and with a title shamelessly stolen from an episode of Atlantis: Common Ground

Also, from raedbard and black_eyedgirl: Pick 12 characters you like, and then answer the questions below the cut about them. Obviously first choose your characters before you see the questions.

1. John Sheppard (SGA)
2. Ellie Bartlett (TWW)
3. Cameron Mitchell (SG1)
4. Laura Cadman (SGA)
5. Kaylee Frye (FF)
6. Zoey Bartlett (TWW)
7. Sara Sidle (CSI)
8. Aiden Burn (CSI:NY)
9. Ianto Jones (TW)
10. Spencer Reid (CM)
11. Mal Reynolds (FF)
12. Gina Tocsano (TWW)

1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic (Zoey Bartlett/Mal Reynolds)? Do you want to?
I never have, but I'd love to see someone pull it off :) I can kind of see them together, now I'm thinking about it.

2. Do you think Four (Laura Cadman) is hot? How hot?
She's a marine who blows things up and snarks at Rodney - how can anyone NOT think that's hot?!

3. What would happen if Twelve (Gina Tocsano) got Eight (Aiden Burn) pregnant?
I dread to think, to be honest. Much messing with the heads of the CSI:NY crew, I imagine, which would be fun to read, and Aiden telling Danny and Flack, no really, I got knocked up by a girl!

4. Can you recommend any fic(s) about Nine (Ianto Jones)?
Anything by rivier

5. Would Two (Ellie Bartlet) and Six (Zoey Bartlet) make a good couple?
They're sisters! Sorry, no.

6. Five/Nine (Kaylee Frye/Spencer Reid) or Five/Ten (Kaylee/Mal)? Why?
Kaylee/Spencer, bizarrely - Kaylee and Mal have too much of a siblings vibe, but I could kind of see Kaylee being charmed by Reid's trivia. Should he somehow fall into the FF verse while investigating crimes...

7. What would happen if Seven (Sara Sidle) walked in on Two (Ellie) and Twelve (Gina) having sex?
Much confusion, since Sara and Gina are played by the same actress! Maybe a confusing doppleganger/time-travel plot, or a suddenr realisation that they are twins separated at birth. Or a very hot threesome.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Cam Mitchell/Reid) fic.
Reid and the team go to Colorado Springs to investigate something loosely stargate connected, and Cam, who's stuck on Earth due to some off-world related injury, has to keep them from finding out about the gate. Reid charms him with flight related statistics and Cam charms Reid just by smiling at him and they somehow fall into bed. And then write each other increasingly geeky emails across the country.

9. Is there such a thing as One/Eight (John Sheppard/Aiden) fluff?
I doubt it. Aiden's not really fluffy, though I could imagine the two of them running into each other in a bar while John's on leave after his latest disaster, and getting along. Then John would find out she died while he was on Atlantis and be all, oh, what could have been, despite never having intended anything TO be.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve (Sara/Gina) hurt/comfort fic.
Cracks in the Mirror

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Laura) to deflower One (John)?
He's her boss! Um, Ancient device magically de-ages John, who gets a teenage crush on Laura (cos who wouldn't). DOn't ask why Laura decides to sleep with him, cos I've got nothing.

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Sara) slash?
I'm not honestly sure. Someone probably does.

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three (Cam) het?
Also probably.

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Mal)?
Probably the FF fans do - I think there's a couple on my flist somewhere.

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five (Ellie/Laura/Kaylee)?
That's quite the crossover, but I'm sure someone would be up to the challenge (and if you wouldn't, could I bribe you into it?!)

16. What might Ten (Reid) scream at a moment of great passion?
I don't think Reid's the screaming type, but if he was, something inocuous like yes, or Morgan's name.

17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight (Aiden), which song would you choose?
Shakspear's Sister, Stay, for something mopey and depressing after she's dead.

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (John/Zoey/Gina) fic, what would the warnings be?
Threesome, straight!John, gun porn.

19. What might be a good pick-up line for Two (Ellie) to use on Ten (Reid)?
Correcting one of his bits of trivia - I think he'd like a smart woman.

20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Kaylee)?
When the femslash07 stories were released

21. What is Six's (Zoey) super-sekrit kink?

22. Would Eleven (Mal) shag Nine (Ianto)? Drunk or sober?
Absolutely! Ianto's liek a Welsh version of Simon, but without the tragic sister, and have you SEEN the way Mal looks at Simon?! Think he'd have to be a bit drunk to actually go for it though.

23. If Three (Cam) and Seven (Sara) get together, who tops?
Sara, definitely. She's a take cahrge kind of person, and I could imagine Cam being kind of laid back and faintly amused by her.

24. "One (John) and Nine (Ianto) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Ianto) suddenly runs off with Four (Laura). One (John), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Mal) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Gina), then follows the wise advice of Five (Kaylee) and finds true love with Three (Cam)."
See? See?! Even random memes are determined they should be together!

25. What title would you give this fic?
Dark Clouds, Clear Blue Sky (god, that's lame!)

26. How would you feel if Seven/Eight (Sara/Aiden) was canon?
So happy! Though they never actually met in canon and Aiden's now dead, so I guess it wouldn't be so happy for them.

What does this tell us? John Sheppard and Cam Mitchell are meant to be together, Kaylee gives the bst advice ever, and there are a number of incredibly hot girlslash fics to be written if only the bizarre crossovers can be got round.

tww, firefly, meme

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