SGA/SG1: Paper Unicorns (Cam/John)

Jun 27, 2012 21:57

Title: Paper Unicorns
Fandom: SGA/SG1
Pairing: Cam/John
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3590
Summary: John tells himself, they'll come for us because the only other option is knowing that Cam can't take this much longer; originally written for the 2012 Flyboys thing-a-thon (apologies for the lack of back-dating, I'm sure it's possible on the new dw posting interface, but my brain is fried so no luck figuring it out)

Paper Unicorns

This entry was originally posted at, where it has
comments. I'd prefer comments there, but comments here are loved just as much

sheppard/mitchell, sga/sg1, fic, sg1, sga

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