(no subject)

Apr 17, 2012 21:34

So, I've been on anti-depressants for a year and a half - it was supposed to be 6 months - and tried coming off them this time last year, which was not a success or much fun (obviously, or I wouldn't still be on them).

I had a review with my doctor yesterday, at which she asked me whether I thought I'd just keep taking them, or wanted to see again. The thought of trying again and it being like last time is kind of terrifying, but I do want to know whether I need them still - I don't exactly mind keeping taking them if I need to (I'm pretty sure, and so is my doctor, that my depression is a brain chemistry thing, not an external event thing) but I feel like I want to know if I need to, if that makes sense. Plus, right now, things are actually pretty good - no big events coming up, no anticipated disappointments etc, so it's as good a time as any.

So I'm trying again, and kind of scared. Which I'm trying to deal with by putting in as many things that help. One of which is trying to post every day, with things that have gone well that day (well, except tomorrow when I'm working 9am-11pm). So I guess this is your advanced warning. Hi :)

This entry was originally posted at http://bluflamingo.dreamwidth.org/197791.html, where it has
comments. I'd prefer comments there, but comments here are loved just as much
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