Mar 17, 2004 11:17
last night was a zoning hearing for my district, well it was almost like most of dundalk was there, they are trying to destroy this town...i mean as my dad put it, we are already the "armpit of baltimore county", out schools are overcrowded kids have to walk outside to trailors, out roads are to narrow, our police offices and fire department are already strtched about as thin as possible, and now they want to put high rise apartments across the street from me, on the other side of the railroad tracks...right now its a bunch of warehouses, some are vancant but others are being used, at one point it was a brewery, but id rather it stay vancant warehouses then make them highrise apartments with 40-60 units per acre...its like 40 acres there, they want to put ballfields which is fine and all, but we CAN NOT handle 40-60 more families...and i have no problem with subsidized housing, some people really need it, but in all reality high rises are not the way to go about it, they didnt work in the city, so they tore them down, and now they want to put them in dundalk, lets try dulaney, or perry hall, or towson, dundalk has already gotteh the short end of the stick on nurmous occassions, im sick of this shit, i love this town, its alot of elderly that have lived here their entire life, or moved here when dundalk was first being built, lets make that area a senior center, not the projects...
ok, sorry for that rant, im just pissed off about that stupid shit, my dad got up there and spoke, it was so cool, and everyone agreed with my dad, but our wonderous county councelman said he will sdo what he wants, he doesnt care what the voters say..ok, im done, sorry again...