someone hold my hand- or kiss me <3
so my mom just called me from work heres how the convo went
mom: guess whos outside my office??
me: uhh i dunno jim?( my stepdad)
me: shana? (my sis)
me: then i dunno
mom: well he goes"weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
me:r u kidding me.. lame
mom: it looks just like him!
me: youre a loser
mom: sorry
mom: i know
me: r u on acid
mom: well the pest control guy was just at work so maybe the fumes got to me
me: and thats why u think the squirell went "weeeeee?"
my mom is a lame-o
if u have no idea what that was about or u havent seen the weeeeee squirel, go here>
rock out with your cock out