Dec 26, 2010 08:18
Woohoo it is FINALLY snowing :)
I know, I am a crazy northerner that actually likes the snow but southern CT didn't get much last year. It is even better when I have no where I have to be/drive to today(love now, hate stupid drivers), holiday stress is over, school is out, I already have food supplies at home(so no insane run to the stores) and I can simply hang out in comfy PJ's and get household stuff done all day.
Oh, and I have hot chocolate mix I can actually drink(naturally low sugar but not 'diet')..with whipped cream in the fridge and peppermint baileys leftover from recipe I made. That will be for later when there is actually snow covering on the ground and I need to warm up after shoveling.
All that's missing is the fireplace and guy to snuggle with. That is next years' mission - lucky next year is soon;)