1. So I entered a professional photography compeition the other week and a I won an award with this:
I was hoping to get better scores overall for the four prints I entered (knowing what I do now about what they're looking for I would've entered an entirely different set) but watching the judging I learned a lot about industry standards and was reminded that I have a good technical eye but I just need to trust myself more.
motorized asked me some questions, here are some answers:
favorite glee song? you're not gonna hear anything other than fanatic obsession over Defying Gravity from me today ;)
favorite colour? green. One of my teachers mentioned that it's the colour that people as a whole like most because we associate it with plants and freshness and other good things and that's kind of stuck with me :P
how long have you been taking photos seriously for? I've done photography since year 11, but I'd consider my official start in photography to be when I got my digital camera earlier this year.
where do you get your inspiration for your photos - especially your portraits? mostly Natalia's portfolio. She's worked with so many amazing very different photographers and it shows to me that there are a million different ways to interpret the same person and you really can do anything in a photo so it's a good chance to make your fantasies become a reality (well as much of a reality as a bunch of pixels can be that is :P). I'm so glad I come from an iconning/fandom background because for us photos are a commodity and I've noticed that makes me have a different perspective on photos than every other photographer I've met.
when are you coming to sydney to visit? XD when are you coming to Adelaide? ;)
Make a post with posters/dvd covers of your favourite TV shows, thus keeping a record of everything you've watched!
Poll 5.
I did a slight re-colour of an old wallpaper and it's so much better now
see: a
I didn't put much effort into it and I think it shows
I'm not a fan. The image quality was torn to shreds in the process of colouring and even then the colouring doesn't look that great.
lately I've noticed that with all of my various forms of graphics (icons, photography, wallpapers etc) I'm making at least one per day, however in the past few days that's been slipping so I've put that on my desktop to remind me to keep on churnin' ;)