hey, quick request. Any chance you could do me an icon? I really want one badly of Ronon but no-one seems to be using any ronon icons that are arty (I usually find mines through browsing rather than communities).
I can give you the pic I want! I want either this or this.
And to be extra picky and annoying haha, can you do it in the style of my current Sarah icon (done by you, great lighting +colour btw) OR something textured like number 2 in this post?
Thats my preference but I'm pretty easy to satisfy. I really want a good ronon or even ronon/teyla icon. THANK U!
*facepalm* I seriously just read what I wrote, this is why people should never comment when they're hyped up! where were my manners? :(:( There definitely should be more asking, less demanding haha
I would extremely grateful if you managed to do the icons. Feel free to use your screencaps but I gotta admit I'm kinda sweet on those two images. If you can do those, I'll be SO happy :) It's just my het couples need jazzing up. I think I even need a different jin/sun icon too. dammit.
argh, I'm a terrible person for not replying sooner, but Photoshop is not my friend at the moment. I can barely make something for myself and these days more often than not I'm at a house with absolutely no Photoshop, so I'm thinking that this request may not work :/
HOWEVER, how does this awesome jin/sun icon by iuleiki work for you?
yeah, it is a little bit. I keep on forgetting to bring the install disks there :P
Oh no! That's what I've got it saved under, so I have no idea :/ but you may want to check out acrobatica, I recall seeing some awesome Jin/Sun icons there, too. However you may have to go back a few months because it definitely wasn't recently.
I can give you the pic I want! I want either this or this.
And to be extra picky and annoying haha, can you do it in the style of my current Sarah icon (done by you, great lighting +colour btw) OR something textured like number 2 in this post?
Thats my preference but I'm pretty easy to satisfy. I really want a good ronon or even ronon/teyla icon. THANK U!
I seriously just read what I wrote, this is why people should never comment when they're hyped up! where were my manners? :(:( There definitely should be more asking, less demanding haha
I would extremely grateful if you managed to do the icons. Feel free to use your screencaps but I gotta admit I'm kinda sweet on those two images. If you can do those, I'll be SO happy :)
It's just my het couples need jazzing up. I think I even need a different jin/sun icon too. dammit.
HOWEVER, how does this awesome jin/sun icon by iuleiki work for you?
How come no photoshop though? That must be distressing for someone like you :O
BUT, I do adore the icon you've given me. Only problem is, that user is not registered! Wrong spelling?
Oh no! That's what I've got it saved under, so I have no idea :/ but you may want to check out acrobatica, I recall seeing some awesome Jin/Sun icons there, too. However you may have to go back a few months because it definitely wasn't recently.
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