Dear Yulesanta...

Nov 03, 2006 13:25

Dear most gracious gifter, and hopefully stalker (if you're reading this, anyway).

My details were... detailed, as you already know, primarily because when flirting with NYR in the last two years of joyous procrastination I only ever felt personally inspired by details which throw a thousand ideas up into the air, rather than just one. Of course, if you're not like me and would rather just stick to the fandoms I threw out, well that's fine too. To make it even easier harder, however, here you go.

Likes: Character development, character exploration, magic, angst, Death & Darkness, Diana Wynne Jones characters being so supremely unflapable and unfailingly British (um, same for Joan Aiken, actually), porn, lack of porn, het, slash, femslash, fun plots (like Smallville's ones, where everything comes down to radioactive rocks and such), vampire!AUs, smug bastards with power, clones, clonecest, zombies, crap pseudoscience, playing with character povs and perceptions, drama, science fiction, world creation, world destruction (aka, Apocalypse Fic!), pina coladas, and long walks on the beach.

Dislikes: Embarrassment and humiliation fics, they squick me. Schmoop and fluff between characters were schmoop and fluff is not canon or guaranteed. (So I can handle Christopher/Millie fluff, because they're fluffy, but if you did the same to Lois/Clark/Richard I would be looking for a lot more justification. If that justification is some Pink Kryptonite (please, for the love of DC canon, let there not be something such as Pink K) then I'm happy (see Smallville clause above).)

Joan Aiken - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Dido rocks my socks. Always has. Anything with Dido would make be skip over the moon while singing Christmas carols. If you want to do something with 6-yr-old Dido being a brat to her Ma and Pa, that's great. If you want to have her happily married to Simon, swell. If you want to do her facing off a giant sea monster, or crossing over with Sandman, or finding magical artifacts which make her hair turn pink, great.

Spread the Dido love! Hell, I remember searching vainly for the smallest fansite, so *anything* would be incredible to the nothing that currently exists.

Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials
In retrospect my details seem... limiting, rather than inspirational. But I would like a fic which centers around this mundane world of ours, rather than Lyra's or any in between. If that's Mary Malone, or our world becoming less mundane, or playing with Elaine Parry's insanity, or a soft conversation between Kirjava and Will, or our world finding others via science, great.

The focus/question on Will is because of his potential, and having so much... adventure... at such an early age - whenever I try to plan future fics with him I have no real idea of where he would end up, so I was wondering where else he might go. Happily married at 35? A professor, a scientist, a politician, an anthropologist, an insane asylum patient who believes he's an aardvark? He confuses me.

As for Will/Artemis Fowl... that's a little bit of fun by ze_toaster, this_tyranny, and I (if you take on this challenge Toaster might be willing to help or beta or something *volunteers friends*). I wrote a fic for this ship at the start of the year, available here. Basically, I think these are two strong characters who have never had good reason to back down before, and so in a confrontation things would go BOOM and someone's pride would be severely maimed. I suspect Artemis's. If you wanted to write powerplay smuttishness for this ship, I would likely have a heart attack of complete and utter satisfaction.

Diana Wynne Jones - Chronicles of Chrestomanci
Ah, Chrestomanci. *sigh*. All my Chrestomanci fics can be found here, or most are on if you'd prefer.

Honestly, anything with the casts of Conrad's Fate, Charmed Life, or Lives of Christopher Chant would be completely and utterly awesome. Incest, clonecest (well, Janet/Gwendolen almost could be), narcisstic!Christopher, Millie/Conrad/Christopher threesomes, Christopher/Frank/Caroline threesomes, Christopher/Tacroy, Cat/Christopher... really, honestly, anything. Even a cute little Millie/Christopher courting session where Millie teaches Christopher how to shave and Christopher teaches Millie which colours match. Play around with whatever you want: magic, family, fun, Adventures, fluff, screwed up childhood, I'm sure to love it.

P.S. The Pinhoe Egg is yet to come out in Australia, so I haven't got my hands on a copy. It'll likely be out by December, of course, but just in case I'd rather something which wasn't spoilerific or reliant on that one.

Superman Returns
My request for Lois/Clark/Richard was probably the illformed perversion of the particular moment in time when SR came out. I was simultaneously obsessed with Smallville and Minisinoo's X-Men fic, Grail in which Scott Summers (also played by James Marsden) is in a loving, 'working' threesome. The particular combination sent this bunny into my head, and now I've landed it on you. Back, bunny, back!

The ultimate fantasy from this is to have L/C/R in increasing levels of awkward familiarity and possibly (bone crushing??) sex. But my fancy would be tickled into spasms of glee with anything which explores the relationships between the three of them - negative, positive, shallow, friendship, conflict, disfunctional, perverse, posessive, whatever. I included Jason because, in my mind, he's the deciding factor in any layers of conflict between L&C, C&R, and L&R. If you're not up for the threesome idea, anything playing with Jason would be great as well.

I don't mind if you prefer Clark over Superman, or the other way around. (Not really an issue in SR, from what I've seen, but they can be portrayed as being two different people and I know some ficcers are picky about which they read/write.)

*thinks that I probably didn't say much more here than in the original details, but rest assured that in both I was not trying to intimidate you with wants and needs and impossible ideas, but rather spark off some vague thought process you might not have considered before.*

Now, proceed to ignore my silly, demanding whims, and just get to writing a story in whatever fandom it was that caught your eye in that fit of insanity when you signed up. Thanks in advance. *squees in Anticipation* Yay for Yuletide!

Love Yeti.

P.S. Eloise at playgroup says that Yulesanta's not real, and it's really just your Mum and Dad who give you presents and pretend it's from Yulesanta. In that case, hi Mum, bet you didn't know I was so obsessed with kid lit, power play, and threesomes.

P.P.S. I do know you're actually real, Yulesanta. I'm not just hedging my bets. Really. And I promise I've been extra good this year. I've barely got any black stars on my behavior chart at all.

P.P.P.S. Seriously, have you ever tried to write clonecest? It's ridiciously fun in whatever fandom you play in. If not now, at least take it back to your home fandom and spread the narcisstic love.


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