Nov 11, 2003 11:45
Well i feel weird i have an enlarged ear drum and a seriouse iner ear infection and really sucks i had to sit at the ER yesterday morning for almost 3 hours that sucked so bad. then i goto get my precription and with all of them it was going to be 160 fuckin dollers so i sacrificed my pain meds (nummer) so i could get the ear drops and the antibiotic but they gave my my script back if i want to get the pain pills later. thanks to mycheeto he wrote the big ol check out for 120 dollers god how could i not love someone who would do that for me. My ear hurts sooooo bad tho i cant hear out of it and its driving me nuts. it feels like it needs to pop like when your in an airplane and your ears need to pop after take off well thats what its like but mine are not popping GRRRRRRR. Mitch has been making fun of me cause if im laying on my good ear i cant hear out of the infected one so i go HUH what when he talks to me cause i cant fuckin hear him lol hes sucha PUNK!!!!.heheh but i love him he takes care of me i got to be a bum yesterday all day it was nice. My work is being assholes i think im on my last string with them because the doctor called me out of work for 2 days and they didnt like that much. But fuck them can kiss my ass they dont pay shit anyways. I am looking for anoter job while i have this shit job. Anywho my ear hurts so i am going to go lay down and pray this fucker pops. BYE BYE i love you mycheeto