Oct 02, 2005 09:37
I am EXHAUSTED. This past week has just been a killer.
I couldn't tell you what I did on Monday or Wednesday if anything, but on Tuesday I visited my Nana and was there until about 5ish. I could live at that house, I love it so much. And on Thursday, of course, I hung out with Mick. We went out to dinner and did and that kind of shit like normal and I took him home around 8. On Friday, I talked to him when I got to work (he was on the ferris wheel I was shoved on the boats which are next to each other) so we talked. He made a comment along the lines of "Ryan has a passion for KP, I have a passion for Taylor" and I was just like.."Yea well I have a passion for someone to, he just doesn't know it." He begged for the answer and now he's guessing that I like the kid with boobs, fine by me. It's too hard to tell him that I like him a lot. I find myself wanting to be with him more and more but there's really nothing I can do about it. He's obsessed with Taylor and Clare from work and I'm not even an option in his eyes. But we're so alike, and the things he says he wants in a girl its all me. He doesn't like snow..Hello did anyone get the memo of why I'm going to college down south? He wants 12 kids, I want 4-10. He wants a nice girl that he can talk to and get along with that doesn't have to be all that good looking. I thought that's what I was was.
So yesterday I worked 14 and a half hours. 7-9:30 clean up to close golf so I can take Nina home. He stayed to talk to me. So I don't understand, he stayed an hour and a half to talk to me. I in so little words hinted at me liking him comments like meet me in the bathroom..etc. I know I keep jumping around on liking him, but...everytime I see him I realize how much I like him. Girls pants and all. It's the first time in my life that I've liked someone this much that I know inside and out. Fuck love.