Nov 02, 2004 07:59
I was in a high speed car accident on the freeway this weekend. Some jerk sped up and swerved into my lane, hitting me from behind and causing my car to go into a fishtail. He stopped for a minute and then took off. I almost immediately began having extremely painful cramps in my lower abdomen, and was rushed to the Maternity ER. Me and baby had to be placed on lots of monitors for several hours. Blood was drawn and ran to make sure the placenta wasn't tearing away from the wall of my uterus, which was their major concern. With my baby only 22 weeks along they had to make sure nothing was happening to make him want to come out right now, as he would not survive. Nobody that saw the accident, nor witnessed the aftermath could believe that the car did not roll over. I'm home now with bruising, torn ligaments in my neck and back, and a phobia of cars. I've been instructed to watch for bleeding, more cramping in my abdomen, and/or my water breaking as all these things have a good possibility of happening after such a trauma. I'm thanking God the car didn't roll, and that everything appears to be okay right now. Please keep me and baby in your prayers.