An Actual Update

Sep 22, 2004 20:39

So life has returned back to normal since I've been back from my wonderful vacation in California...
My Critical Thinking "professor" (in quotations because I really think he's just a grad student pretending to be an actual professor) cusses so much in class. To keep my boredom done, I've started keeping count of how many times he cusses, what words he says, and in what context. His favorite way to cuss is to insert the cuss word in the middle of a word. i.e. "I guaren-fucking-tee it!"
Equally annoying is my Theories of Personality teacher. She seems to understand the material less than most of her students do and her favorite phrase is, "I know this material is vague and the concepts are kinda weird, I don't even really understand it myself, but please hang with me here."
My Interpersonal Communication teacher is really sweet though. So no complaints there...and her class is super slack. Yay.
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