Rant Rave and BLAH!

Jan 09, 2007 14:51

Ok, So I had a mate move in (Sarah) and that was in like November...

She's since moved out a week after Xmas, AND she's denying that she owes us pretty much 3 weeks rent, AND she's not giving the keys back... And since she left some stuff here Mike and I decided to take it out to her mums (1/2 - 3/4 an hr away from us) and she tells us that we were trespassing blah blah blah...
AND calling me Psycho for doing so.. awesome!

I've now given up on the whole money that she owes us, but dammit are we NOT entitled to have our keys back?

So right about now I'm kinda feeling like the bad person... God knows why? We didn't do anything wrong? We had an idea that Sarah was gonna move out so we bought a TV and a game just on xmas... Bloody hell we even looked after HER cat while she went off to Rotorua and Hamz...

Now I have a feeling that Sarahs told our mates that I'm the bad person cuz we went into her room to feed her cat, and I gave her back the clothes she let me borrow (and I took back my clothes as well) .. 0o0o0o!
WTF am I meant to do?!?

I want to just cry, but I can't...
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