I started working out with my new personal trainer, Kat Fieler, a few weeks ago. When she's not making me do thousands of squats, lunges, and crunches, she's busy with much more noble ventures like
leading free fitness classes for women recovering from breast cancer. She's quite selfless and inspirational.
I've made pretty good progress so far, ramping up quickly in weight and reps as well as flexibility in our yoga cool-down sessions. My calf cramped up pretty hard last Thursday though and it's been nagging me here and there ever since. I had no problem running 20 mins on Sunday, the calf ache going away after a few minutes, but today it just kept throbbing and I gave up before getting 12 minutes in. My hope for our 5K this coming Saturday was to be able to run as much of it as possible, finishing in under 40 minutes. Now I'm not so sure that's going to happen.