(no subject)

May 23, 2004 16:37

||Birth Name|| Jessica Shawn Stam
||Nickname|| Spam, Jess Stam, hot dog (club swim)
||Age you act|| 16
||Height|| 5'6"
||Birthplace|| Lynwood, CA
||Birthdate|| January 8, 1988
||Hidden Talents|| what are talents?

||Pictured your crush naked|| *blushes*..haha, no!
||Actually seen your crush naked|| no!
||Cried when someone died|| yea
||Drank alcohol|| yea...hahah.
||Fallen for your best friend|| of course you know...sarah is hard to resist.
||Been rejected|| oh tons of times!
||Rejected some one|| ditto, hahaha
||Been cheated on|| no..i hope not, lol
||Done something you regret|| yea
||Been In Jail|| no
||Ran away from home|| yea..but came back when I was hungry (which was like 5 minutes later)
||Hit a boy|| yes
||Hit A girl|| yes
||Broken a bone|| I don't even remember how many I've broken, lol.
||Cheated on a test|| yes
||Let a friend cry on your shoulder|| yes
||Fell asleep in the bath|| yes.. its relaxing
||Gone to church|| yea, i love it!
||Never slept during a night|| yea
||Seen someone die|| no
||Thought you were in love|| yes & I know I am!
||Screamed at someone for no reason|| yes
||Stayed up till 4 am on the phone|| actually until 5am, lol

||What do you notice first?|| well you obviously can't notice their personality first unless you talk to them on the internet or the phone first, lol. I notice their eyes, muscles, and smile..but personality is always the most important.
||Last person you slow danced with|| Garrett!! at rock-a-hula.
||Worst thing to say|| "I don't care about you at all"
||Do you have a crush?|| yees a big onne,

||Bill Clinton|| president
||Love at first sight|| Stater Bros. (HAHAHA!!)
||Abortion|| not cool at all!
||Pot|| pans
||Eating disorders|| I couldn't live without food.
||Rap|| Crap.
||Marilyn Manson|| is he a man or woman?
||Suicide|| dummmb!
||Drinking|| Vanessa's "Pad"
||Life|| when does it all end? lol.

||Memories of the year|| "hookin" back up with Garrett.
||Food|| hawaiin sweet bread, bacon cheeseburgers
||Movie|| The Goonies!, Waynes World
||Book|| Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Cry in the Night, Pieces, Lonely Bones.
||Type of music|| ska, oldies
||Type of cars|| mini's
||Saying|| "No guy is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry”
||Fast food|| Panda Express
||Ice cream|| Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
||Alcohol|| naah im good
||Television show|| Who's Line is it Anyways?
||Your ideal BF/GF|| Garrett is everything I've ever wanted. =]

||Took a shower|| today
||Cried|| today
||Watched a Disney movie|| umm dunno
||Received a hug|| today (when my babe came over and suprised me!)

||Where do you want to live?|| somewhere not so urban
||How many kids do you want?|| 2
||What kind of job do you want?|| a very fun one that keeps me on my feet.

||Want|| better-looking body, car, my own computer, (I'm human..I'm never satisfied so the list goes on and on)
||Wish|| I had my Toyota MR2 Syder convertible (but noo..i have to wait until I'm 18 because my parents won't cosign!!)
||Love|| Jesus, my boyfriend...and many others
||Miss|| Tamer
||Fear|| leaving without saying goodbye.
||How do you know it's love?|| When I look him in the eyes as we sit by each other not worrying about what's going to happen five minutes or 50 years from now, just as long as we're together. =].

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