Sep 16, 2008 20:53
To: The Top hat keepers
Who: Pay off the grim reapers
So: Us poor bottom feeders
Can: spend eternity controlled by our so called leaders
This is for the people controlled by the dollar bill
Who trust in a government who lie, cheat, and steels
You keep giving up your rights and all your free wills
We've got cameras on the streets and mind control pills
Don't sit there like a dummy, you know this shits real
You're so blind and brain washed you can't even feel
The new world orders coming and its you they want to kill
Will you fight against it or kneel to its every will
So tag on a wall, a message of freedom and love
Because the only one who can judge me is the lord above
Hes all around, binding us together, fits like a glove
And when any human so called authority pushes, I shove
The revolution starts with the words of this song
If we press the reset button on everybodys mind it wont take long
We can do anything, when they tell you you cant, they are wrong
Write something,
Make something,
Drop a beat not a bomb.
Mega corporations kill small local business everyday
And the commercials targeting children tell them its o.k.
Why cant we stay local, buy local, make our neighbors our family
Stop this global mass production bullshit insanity
And stop being lazy, walk or ride a bike
Cars are irresponsible, dangerous, and just not right
Please find another way, this just isn't working
Its a hundred million degrees outside and smells are a lurking
D't sit there and not care because its so convenient
Its sound mean but you're selfish, careless, and ignorant
Now its time to take matters into our own hands
We'll take back our community, our freedoms, our land.
-Jessie Perry