Jul 14, 2004 10:30
I had a sad moment last night...
Worked from 4-9...Scott and Thaddeaus called me like 6 times to invite me to $1.00 scoop day at B-Robin's, while i was working so my lil back pocket was vibrating like a mad woman...
After work me and Dominic called Scottie and he told us that all the boys were at his house hanging out. So we both decided to go chill with the boys too.
So i get there and the boys are all upstairs...and apparently they made "attempts" to contact the girls, but to no avail. Oh well at least they made the effort. So i'm cool just playing with my boys right.
Well i go downstairs and Dan makes a typically random and totally stupid comment. He's the type of person who talks without thinking. So i go upstairs and i talk quietly to thaddeaus about something and it's cool cuz we're actually talking in a civil manner. Then brian yo...he looks at me and says, "Hey can you like take this convo somewhere else?" and i said..."Dude i'm talking to Thaddeaus..not the rest of you" and he says, "Well everyone else can hear you...so just shut up and go downstairs cuz i dont want to hear you." Then i'm like....uh whoa..that hurts cuz i didn't do anything to him...nor have i ever...then he says sarcastically "sorry i just feel like being a jerk tonight." then all the boys got pissed and looked at him like "why did you say that?" but none of them actually said anything...So i was about to cry but before i did i managed to point out that he was doing a great job of being a jerk...I was also hurt because Thaddeaus didn't follow me. And as the boy best friend, he should have at least checked on me. Usually he can read me like a book, but when Brian's around none of the boys want to stand up to him. That's messed up. Because those boys are my friends and i love hanging out with them and vice versa, but when Brian's there they just go along with him even though they disagree. Someday they might get the balls to speak up and defend innocence.
So pretty much that came out of no where.. Now it may seem very lame, but it's a constant harassment.But the reason why it got to me was because Brian treats all the church girls like we're less than dirt to him. He absolutely hates us, and i'm now pissed because he shows us no respect. So Chris and Eli came downstairs and they knew i was upset and they're super sweet in their own cute lil ways. But i just wanted to leave. Dude as soon as i walked out the door, i started bawling...i was seriously confused because i have never been hurt like that before...im really not the type of person that people hate...except for Brian i guess.
I have a few theories for his extreme "hatred" of me..he kinda had a thing for me at New Years...and because he hates the idea of "youth group" relationships, he prolly freaked himself out when he realized he was flippin' spooning with one...regardless...it's not right how he treats me and the girls. So even though i was super angry at him i went home and i prayed and prayed for God to do great things in his life and to give him brokenness.
So i think the right thing for me to do is #1 thank chris and eli for their efforts to include the girls and for treating me with respect and #2 lovingly rebuke Brian and tell him how he makes me feel.
Well, i hope today goes better....and it will! I'm sure of it! Tonight i lead worship in folsom by myself with no band...it will definately be an experience. The church provides meals for the worship leaders. Isn't that cute? Ok TTFN!!!
Oh...I PASSED THE AP SPANISH TEST! yay! That's 9 credits at APU! and i'm considered "proficient" in the language...its so beautiful!