Castle 4x05 - Eye of the Beholder

Oct 18, 2011 18:02

I'd known for a while that an episode like this was coming, and though I wasn't thrilled with the idea, I didn't think I'd mind it too much as long as Castle didn't end up actually having a relationship with the woman. So I was a little surprised at the vehemence with which I hated Serena Kaye from the minute she walked on the screen. So much so that it made me laugh, because I was basically jealous, but on Beckett's behalf. That said, I really did enjoy the episode and the writers - and of course, Stana and Nathan - handled the situation very well. And the resolution was exactly what I'd hoped for with such an episode.

Some more specific thoughts:

* The name "Serena Kaye" sounded an awful lot like "Selena Kyle" (Catwoman) to me, so I had a feeling she would turn out to be the thief. Though at first, I wanted her to be the murderer just so she'd go away, I like it better that that she turned out to be a thief, but not the perp in this particular case.

* Jessica Tuck, who played Mrs. McHugh, also played my favorite character, Megan Gordon, on One Life to Live when I was a kid. It always makes me happy to see her, which is happening more and more lately (including in Super 8, my favorite movie from this summer). But it's especially awesome in this case, because her character on OotL was the older half-sister of Joey Buchanan, the character Nathan Fillion played. I don't know if they were on at the same time (I'd stopped watching by the time Nathan was on), but I'm guessing they probably were? And it makes me smile either way.

* The kiss itself didn't make me any too happy, but Beckett's "Hey!" reaction to it was pretty damn great.

* They seemed to make a big point of having characters mention how gorgeous and hot Serena Kaye was. Now, I fully admit that I disliked the character from the start because she was flirting with Castle, but separately from that, I don't think she's nearly as hot as everyone said. She's not bad, but all the repetition of her incredible attractiveness (even from Martha, who never even saw her!) really felt like they were trying convince the viewers...

* Also, what was up with Martha asking Castle whether there was any reason he wasn't going out with anyone? She knows perfectly well what that reason is - they've discussed it. Kind of weird. All I could think was that maybe he's been cranky at home and she thought he needed to get laid?

* The therapy scene with Michael Dorn was everything I'd hoped for! I love him! I hope we'll see lots more of him. I also loved the shot where you see Beckett with a window behind her, and then Castle walking in front of a window and spotting her, so it wasn't immediately clear whether or not he was witnessing the therapy session. I'm glad he didn't, but the shot was really well done. The scene transitions on this show are seriously fabulous.

* I love that Esposito isn't afraid to call Beckett out when no one else will. Just one more reason that he's awesome.

* Beckett taking Castle out at the end? ♥

And OMG, next week's episode? Looks like so much fun! And I love that they're doing a ghost episode just days after Ghostbusters will start playing in theaters again! Speaking of which, I'm so excited to see it on the big screen! I was a little too young when it was originally in theaters, but I love it dearly, and I can't wait! Is it too dorky to wear my Ghostbusters t-shirt to the movie theater? Oh, who cares...

movies, fannish ramblings, tv, castle

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