Title: Summer
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Beckett, Castle/Beckett UST, Castle/Gina
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Ex
Genre: Angst
Spoilers: A Deadly Game
Rating: PG
Summary: Post-ep for A Deadly Game (later that night)
Author's Note: I wrote this a while ago and wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'm still not positive, but here it is. Hopefully posting this will inspire me to finish my very first Castle fic, which is also set in this time period...
Castle's with Gina. Gina. He's never had one good thing to say about her, and now they're spending the entire summer together?
Kate can't regret her decision to break it off with Tom, because he isn't who she wants. But God, does she regret the rest of it. She doesn't think Castle had any idea what she was about to say, but still.
The thought makes her feel empty, almost hollow. The summer months stretch out before her, dull and colorless without Castle's daily presence.
She will get past this, she knows. But for tonight, the world looks bleak.