To the Anti-Gay Community

Feb 01, 2007 01:07

An email sent to: who runs an anti-gay website for converting the terrible sinnsers, and banning bands that play "gay music"
Love God's Way found @

My only hope is that God will strike you down in a painful fireball for
the blasphemy, close minded hatred, and Nazi-like brain washing propoganda
that you unfortunately have published and brought into this world. I'm a
straight white male, so don't think this is a gay man attacking you. How
about Pedephiles, how about the majority of pedaphiles being ministers and
priests? I have a strong relationship with God, it's people like you who
absolutely ruin religion, because you take your own personal fears,
prejudices and hatreds attatch scripture like it's propoganda and coerce
people into a close minded hateful frenzy. Fuck you. And if you're
thinking about firing back a ton of scripture "prooving the rightness of
your cause" i remind you that even the devil can quote scripture to work
in his favor. and you sir, truly are the work of Satan in this world,
destroying a person because of their sexual prefrence, ignoring a very
real brand of love, because it doesn't fit in your comfort zone. I'm sure
God would rule in favor of Love, not rejection of people, first last last
first and all that. Jesus washed the feat of prostitutes, associated with
Tax collectors and all other brands of sinners. He never converted a Tax
collector, or a prostitue, he loved them for who they were, so even if
homosexuality was a sin (which it's not) you still fucked it up. way to
I hope you burn in hell.
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