01.06 - I'll stop spamming you now ;;

Mar 05, 2009 07:23

[There's a broadcast that's very different from the ones that come today. No apologies, no sighs of relief, no ranting about missing stuff. Just, well...

One. Long. SCREAM.

Hope you weren't too near your sphere- sorry for the broken eardrums, people.]

I just made them! Oh god oh god oh god...

[The sphere focuses on Ametatsu's face, looking very red-faced and extremely embarrassed about something. The view starts to go downward until she snatches the sphere and forces up to face-level again. What's she so-

Wait. Waaaiiiit. Did anyone notice something weird when the sphere looked down for a bit? The collar isn't there. Her funny Chinese-style collar isn't there, plus the funky cloak. Wut.]

[ooc: l-lol, she lost her cloak and shirt-thing. But mind out of gutter, perverts, she still has the skirt and her undershirt. And the other necessary garments.]

omgwtfbbq this is trippy shit, *plot, ~fuuma [x-au], b-a-n-a-n-a-s, ~ammy [au], ~haseo [au], poop, ~gavin [ou], ~link [au]

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