03.01 - Meet the one-armed archer

Jun 24, 2009 14:38

[ooc: Story:

Ametatsu, restored to perfect health by Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the twelfth division shinigami captain, heads for the tower where Kurosaki Ichigo and Ulquiarra Schiffer are fighting to make sure that Inoue is all right. When she arrives, she sees Yammi Rialgo heading for Inoue, and she quickly dispatches of the Arrancar.

Kurosaki and Ulquiarra move their battle to the top of the tower, and shortly after, the "sky" around Las Noches becomes dark, and Inoue is worried. He asks Ame to take him up above the dome to where the two are fighting. At first, Ame is hesitant, but in the end she gives in to Inoue's pleading and brings him up to the top of the dome with a platform sculpted from reishi in the atmosphere with hirenkyaku.

They arrive in time to see the Arrancar shoot a hole through Kurosaki's chest. To allow Inoue to go and heal Kurosaki, Ame faces off against Ulquiarra, employing all the techniques she knows. But all her skills have no effect, and consequently, the Arrancar cuts off her left arm from the elbow. Ame does not give up though- she may not be able to use her bow any longer, but she still has her Seele Schneider to fight, no matter how useless it is against Ulquiarra. She is then shot at with a weaker blast than the one given to Kurosaki, and thrown back.

Meanwhile, Kurosaki is awake, but not herself. She seems to have become Hollow-like, and has none of her human mind. But she has enormous power that she uses to remove Ulquiarra's wing, arm, and legs. This is where, once again, Ame butts in. She attempts to stop Kurosaki, saying that the Arrancar is no longer able to fight, but Kurosaki stabs her in the stomach with a sword. Kurosaki only returns to normal when a shot fired by the Arrancar misses both of them.

Ametatsu will not be arriving right after the battle with Ulquiarra, but instead be taken post-canon. Long story short, Aizen loses, all the Arrancar are either dead or missing, and Soul Society is back to normal. No more state of war, no more known enemies to worry about. Karakura is back in its place in the human world as well, with the inhabitants absolutely unaware of what had gone on for that one night.

What happened to Ame and the others? They return home- it's a happy ending.

Somewhat. Ame does not have her arm, even though Inoue's healing powers would have been able to restore it- he had unintentionally used all of his supportive powers up when trying to heal Kurosaki before she had temporarily turned Hollow. Which is fine by the Quincy- she takes it as a challenge.

She's still fighting as a Quincy against the Hollows using her Seele Schneider and gintou/silver tubes, but still wears the Cross around her wrist out of habit, and sentimental value. The rest of her powers will remained unaffected, as they don't make use of her arms too much. She cant sew anymore though- which is a real downer. >:

She'll be taken approximately a year after the Winter War (aka the one against Aizen and the Arrancar), when she's already 17, and is in second year high school.


She remains the same person, if but a little more quiet, and a little more brooding. The experience on the dome has taught her that there are situations that she cannot fix, and battles she cannot fight for others. She will become a little more self-preserving, still fighting for others, but making sure that she herself can stay alive for the most part.

Contrarily, she may be more active with forthcoming events- just not in the forefront of things. She will be lending a hand from the sidelines, giving advice if needed. She does not want to inconvenience anyone with her handicap, and instead be more beneficial using her mind.

This doesn't mean her snark and sarcasm are going to disapear. Her method of interacting with others will remain the same. It's just the intrapersonal views that will change slightly.

Appearance: (what, you'd think she'd stay the same way after a year?)

Like all teens, her physical changes can come rapidly. She's gained an inch, making her as tall as her canon self - 5'7". Her current body measurements are unspeakable, but if one bothers to look at her closely, she's a little more matured. Of course, she's not a woman- she's just getting there. Give a few more years and she'll really be there.

Clothing-wise, she's altered her Quincy uniform yet again. The short cloak and right sleeve are gone to increase mobility as she fights. The left sleeve remains, but is shortened to the stump, and sewn closed. After all, what's the point of having a full sleeve if half of it is just going to flap uselessly in the wind? Aside from the dramatic yet useless effect, of course.]


... Well. That was an unexpected trip.

[Ame pushes herself up off the bunk one-handedly before brushing her hair out of her eyes. She's looking around- well. It's been a long time, Crucible. How long has it been? A year? And it looks like nothing's changed. Even her room's just the same small but cozy thing she had gotten used to.

Well, except for Ame, of course. She knows she's different.

She makes sure her Seele Schneider and gintou are still all here, before standing up and leaving her room to look around. Ohai, barcode. Haven't seen you in a long time. It's a little... nostalgic. In fact, seeing this place is bringing back a lot of memories. After all, a lot of "firsts" happened here.

Like those little moments with Fuuma.

She raises her hands to her mouth for a bit to cover that small smile. When she puts it down, she's all business again.] Fuuma, Riku, Ammy, Doctor, Oliver, Lily? Are you all still here?

... This may seem a little strange, but I have a small request- has anything happened since we had last seen each other? Anything at all that I must know about?

[ooc: What she's forgotten aside from the usual stuff that's carried over last cycle; the nightmares caused by the smudge. Nothing big, really.]

ohai clamp reference, shinigami suck and not cocks, i cant save everyone, ~ammy [au], insert zombie growl here, major ouchies, ~haseo [au], ~tieria [ou], dear mun stop making my life hell, time is of the essence, so give them blood, b-a-n-a-n-a-s, ~fuuma [x-au], poop, wut is this tldr, ~oliver [ou], derp derp derp, "quincy" is synonymous with "dork"

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