Jun 07, 2008 19:23
So we went to the park today, watching a group of six kids, all of who I believe were under the age of 10...ugh! I never ever want kids! If I ever say I do, slap me and point me back to this entry!!!
Now I can understand most of what they did. Kids don't listen, big deal. Kids scream, no problem. Kids keep asking and asking for something they know they can't have, I can deal with it. The problem I have with kids is this: look away for a minute and two of them are pissing in the sandbox *fumes* Why can't parents teach their kids that sort of thing! And I mean, isn't it common sense!? You were just playing, rolling around and burying yourselves in that sand! You don't go home and splash around in the toilet! So why would you treat the sandbox like a litter box? (Granted the animals around town must do that too, so it's not all that clean to begin with)
(I think I got sunburned pretty bad too, which does nothing to lighten my mood. And then the blank CDs I bought don't work in my CD players >_< *kills everyone within a kilometer*)
Whew! That feels better!
On a lighter, more creative note, I'm having inspiration lately to draw (of all things). Usually I don't draw, but Tuesday night I had this urge to draw Uruha (of all people). It came out...better than most of my previous drawings (I suck at drawing people, although my Nightmare drawings last year were pretty good I thought). I was actually pretty happy with this one. I couldn't find a reference picture I liked, so I used a few. One for the pose and two or three for the outfit (because it had to be the SILLY GOD DISCO outfit ^_~). So, actually, it's Uruha's fault I was sick on Wednesday! I stayed up too late and made myself sick >_<
And yesterday I had an urge to draw Tora-shi! And not just any Tora-shi: Tora-shi the KFC employee! XD It makes me smile every time I think about it! I haven't started it yet though, because I had to finish U-ssan first.
And it wasn't until a couple of days ago that I realized I need 8 drawings for art class...by the 17th! I have three done, Uru is the fourth as soon as he's done, then Tora-shi will be #5...I have to scrape three more drawings out of my brain!!! I have no idea what to do! It's too rare that I actually get inspired to draw! And then it's always at 10:00 or later and I stay up til all hours of the night and make myself sick so I can't even work on it the next day because I'm stuck in bed, unable to move. *whew* That was quite the rant...
Maybe I can pass off my extra etchings as drawings? I haven't done the scratch art with the water colour yet either....hopefully my huge amount of extra work makes up for what I'm missing >_<
Right now, I just want to go listen to music and attempt to draw Tora-shi...or just look at pictures of alice nine. and kid myself into thinking I'm trying to find a reference picture =P Yeah, that sounds good.