From my main journal
Lloyd asks:
How much of yourself do you think you have revealed in your weblog, over the years? And is it an accurate (as opposed to idealized) version of yourself that your reading audience sees? Finally, do you feel that you can continue sharing your life in this way, for the foreseeable future, and what consequences might you face down the line, if you continue to do so?
As seldom as I post, it should be fairly obvious that there's a lot that I don't write about in this weblog. It was a conscious decision, truthfully. I had an anonymous journal that I kept for a couple of years before I started this one, that covers a pretty difficult part of my life. And while it was therapeutic for me to record my journey through (and out of) depression and transition, it wasn't the sort of thing I cared to share with people I interacted with on a day-to-day basis.
This journal? It's PR, in a sense, I guess. I created it so that people could read it to keep up with me and what I'm up to. I never publish my full name here, but it could be found by someone looking for me fairly easily -- coworkers, exes, family -- so I write stuff that I don't mind them knowing.
A lot of what I filter isn't because of any sense of perceived self-censorship -- it's more because it isn't anything that I think people would care about. My job isn't the sort that would be particularly compromised by my writing about it (within reason), but I don't. It's none of your business really (and probably not of much interest to you anyway), where I work or what I work on, but within the context of my working environment, it can be political and fraught with conflict, so I don't generally even bring it up here. I don't write a lot about people who haven't agreed to let me write about them, because I think they deserve some privacy. (That's not to say I won't occassionally post a picture, though.)
And realistically? My life lately is pretty quiet. Claudia has been in Romania (did I ever write about that? Who knows...) since May and won't be back until August. I work a lot, play a lot, and take lots of pictures. And for now? I'm happy with that. If I were committed to posting daily, as Lloyd does, I'd probably delve into the minutiae of my day-to-day life, but for now, I'll just write when I have something to say.