Title: tricks out of our sleeves
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: (reaching for) Zoro/Sanji
Word Count: ~7200
Set after Water 7, right before entering the Florian Triangle.
c_callosum (
For all his years at sea, he knows he’s still got the devil’s luck in his blood, devil’s fire in his bones. )
I realize that my take on the Zoro/Sanji pairing is almost indistinguishable from gen, so I'm sorry for that too! But as I said to aevium above, it's because I think they're actually really romantic just the way they are, and I can't see them acting any other way towards each other-- romance a la Zoro and Sanji, totally vitriolic and not to be emulated XD But I'm glad it worked ok for you here!
About incorporating the entity encountered by Lola's crew-- it's really just because I agonize over that sort of thing/take fic too seriously. I feel like I have to put on some serious camo-gear and go scouting for little nooks and crannies in the OP world in which I can plausibly set the fic. But that's fun too, because the OP world is so rich! :D
LIFE WILL BE FINE. Ahhh, I still owe you a message! Sorry about that! I'll shoot you one as soon as I can. I hope you've been well. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY AGAIN <3/
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