I went up town today ,I was meant to be looking for a new purse .And instead I ended up coming back with a bag I fell in love with :D
Here's a pic off the website , its Tartan :D but it's not this red Tartan it's the blue one , but the red one is a better pic of the detail on the bag.It's made by 'Living Dead Souls'
i can also now stick my Doctor Who badges on it ^__^.
Watched 'Torchwood ' again on my brother's big huge telly , it was great :D
Last night i stayed up and got to see the film Billie Piper was in 'Spirit Trap' It was really quite good .She was excellent in it
she played a girl called Jenny ,who had to share a house with a few strangers.It was a supernatural film ,All these weird things started happening to them all.Very well made ,and Billie gave a superb performance :D