Title : Cigarettes.
Chapters : Chapter 3 / ?
Author :
bluevioletappleGenre : Angst ( ? )
Warnings |: Nothing much now. (:
Rating : PG-13 ( ? )
Pairings / Characters : Aoi x Kai , the GazettE
Synopsis : A DVD was pushed into Kai’s hands before Reita pushed him out of the studio.
Comments : For
zuzumawho wanted a crying scene. There you go. (:
Chapter One @ My Journal ,
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* hugs back just as tight * XD
I won't kill you , haha. Cause I took it straight off from the translated clip I had so yeah .. I didn't have much to compare with. Haha. XD
Kai just broke down like that even though the whole message Reita was trying to pass to Kai was that they wanted him smiling again .. but noooo , he had to watch the thing and get all angsty cause of what he said to the camera. Haha.
Awww , I watched that clip dozens of times.. I guess , my confidence was just kinda 'meh' cause I read through the first chapter and it seemed so much better and it seemed like I was getting of point and gah. But I suppose .. I shouldn't put myself down like that , yeah. (:
The series is going pretty quickly ? Haha , it seems and feels like I'm only updating when I feel like it cause I'm too lazy to type out whatever's going on in my head. Thank you ~!
Lecture ? Nahhhhh , I don't get lectured by younger people kids. HAHA. :D [ Lol , we're only like 1 year apart ? Haha ( ... )
That was a long reply there o.o It was longer than my comment. LOL
We're only one year apart? Really? o.o Then you'd be 14-15 years old?
Oh just to let you know, I'm GONE on the 26th, since I'm leaving really early in the morning. So the next chapter would need to be finished on the 25th xD
Just to let you know~
Yesh, yesh, continue S&E >D I want to know what happens!
*adds to memories* xD
Haha , I'm actually 15 , turning 16 in December. * curses birthdate * Gahhh , I would be 16 if it weren't for my uberly late birthday on the 29th of DECEMBER. That's like 3 days from New Years. DX Sooo . that makes us 2 years apart ? Haha , I fail epicly at maths. :D
Haha , yeah .. S & E. But it might get a little out of hand and stuffs. ^^;; * Looks at my comment * I didn't realise that it was that long. XD
* Hugs and gives more muffincookies ! * <3
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