Originally published at
biblio+chic. Please leave any
comments there.
This post from Abby the Librarian regarding going to library school inspired me to finally take a minute to update my own blog, and you, awesome readers, on my life as a library school student. As you can see, for the past few months this blog has been quite slow. I promised an update earlier this month, and I’ve just been SO busy.
It’s been a couple of weeks into my last semester now, and everything is going so smoothly. My class in museum studies is definitely interesting, and I’m going to be able to visit a few museums during the semester. I’ll try to write about them here. On Saturday, I’m going to visit the
COSI museum in Columbus, which is one of my favorites!
I’ve also started my practicum, and I can’t even describe how much I am loving it so far. A little part of me was worried. Having never actually worked in a library, I had this little seed of doubt in my heart, that when I would finally get the chance to work with teens in a library, I wouldn’t actually like it! I should have known better. I’ve known that this is the path for me for quite some time, and every day at my practicum I see that justified. I’m not saying that every day will be perfect, when I’m a librarian. But to enjoy work, and find it satisfying, and know that what you do may affect someone’s life in a positive way-that’s why I’m doing this.
So yes, school is great. My practicum is excellent. I’ve participated in a few programs, and am coming up with ideas right now for a display case in the library, as well as for some program ideas. I have so many ideas! I can’t wait to see them through to implementation.
And as for other things, I’ve finally had some time to read. I’m still catching up on a lot of the great books from last year, but I’m getting there. I also have a few books to review, which I will hopefully take care of in February. I’m feeling a second (third? fourth?) wind coming on with this blog, and I hope to get back to doing some more reviewing soon!