Friday Plugs

Jun 19, 2009 22:14

Originally published at biblio + chic {infatuated with books}. Please leave any comments there.

Part of today’s Friday plugs have a more serious tone-I’ve been trying to follow the events in Iran closely, and am grateful to the many bloggers that have helped to simplify things and explain them in ways that people like me, an ordinary American, can understand.

In addition to the video I posted below, author John Green talks about the religion of Islam and the voting fraud in Iran at his blog.

Colleen posts, at Chasing Ray, amongst her many other intelligent posts, photos that display what is happening in Iran.

On a somewhat related note, author Justine Larbalestier discusses the banning of Maureen Johnson’s The Bermudez Triangles, and homophobic book banning (a particular topic of interest to me here in Cleveland as our annual Pride parade is tomorrow).

And then on the lighter side of things, Scott Westerfeld teases his readers with a blog post about an Uglies movie! (Wooohoooo!)

Happy blog-reading!


friday plugs

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