Nov 02, 2004 15:16
So this weekend has pretty much sucked. Well, to be fair, it started off ok. Friday Jess, Brittany and I went to the mall to get presents for ppl, then we brought Jess home and went to Cohen's party, which was interesting. Then we went to my church's haunted maze thing at which i was supposed to be helping, but they didnt need us, in fact, i dont think most of them noticed us arriving or leaving. So then Brittany and I went and got my buddy bag stuff then went and watched Muppet Treasure Island~ the greatest movie ever made. Saturday.... band, need I say more? We got second, which is good, but lost to Hickory, which is bad. The bus rides were pretty boring.... *cough cough*... but yeah. Then Sunday I made Brittany come to church w/me again, and the little kids were doing a prgram and it was really cute. Then for the rest of the day I just read, did hw and handed out candy to little people. Monday was where it got bad. I woke up at like 11ish, then watched tv for like an hour, then got into the shower. After my shower I was planning on calling the groomers to get chester an appointment, but there was a message! o I listened to it.... it was a lady from church who said she had just seen my dad get to the emergency room, my mom had been in an accident. She didnt know what had happened, but assumed my mom was ok. I, of course, start freaking out. I mean, who wouldn't? So that ruined my entire day. Andrea came over and brought me a slurpee and twix, and she made me feel better. By that time (a couple hours later) my dad had called and told me that she was ok, but she still needed to be x-rayed and everything. So I was slightly calmer. Then Jess and Brittany came over and made me leave w/them, we picked up hannah, then went to wendy's, where I didnt eat b/c i had lost my appetite that morning. Then on the way to who-knows-where Jess was an idiot, said some thing she definetly shouldnt have, and we all went home. And today I've been driving my mom around, getting nothing I needed to do, done. So, I'm quite frustrated, and still kinda shaken up by yesterday. OH! And I saw my mom's car b/c i had to go pick up the garage door opener which was still in it. It was horrible. The entire front which is usually what, like 2-3 feet long? crushed in to less than a foot. bumper? oh u mean that thing ON TOP OF THE CAR???? Fluid containers???? those little things underneath the tires??? what??? It was horrible. I cant believe she made it out ok, not to mention the fact that the airbags didnt work.