The Mastodon Virtual Book of (free online) Mega-Astounding Science Fiction (Third Edition)

Jan 02, 2009 16:15

The Mastodon Virtual book of Mega-Astounding Sciece Fiction

3rd Edition - January 02, 2009

edited by H. E. Avenoklewz and I. M. Nutsireus

Mastodon ebooks is an imprint of no-one. You think anyone is that silly?

All rights to all compilations of ancient Tellurian material abolished in the Copyfighter Dktrvian rebellion victory constitution, July 17, 2671.

This is a Virtual Anthology of Tellurian 'science fiction' written entertainment material, which those crazy editor guys think verges on the excellent to outstanding.

Said cheapskate publisher (probably wisely, it must be said given the lack of intellect, experience or knowledge of said editorial staff) has left little space for an introduction.

The editors, however, are competent enough to point out that in the interests of authenticity, the following work is provided in archaic html 'www' technology, and each entry is what was once known as a 'URL' which was accessed via an optical pointing device apparently likened to a rodent.

Many great stories follow after the cut thingo.

Lobsters - Charles Stross
0wnz0red - Cory Doctorow
The Nine Billion Names Of God - Arthur C. Clarke
Catherine Drewe - Paul Cornell
Dark Integers - Greg Egan
The Scab's Progress - Paul Di Filippo and Bruce Sterling
Stories For Men - John Kessel
A Dry Quiet War - Tony Daniel
Privateers' Moon - Terry Dowling
The Walls of the Universe - Paul Melko
The Gambler - Paolo Bacigalupi
The Old Die Rich - H. L. Gold
Retroactive anti-terror - Alex Irvine
Options - John Varley
Biographical Notes - Benjamin Rosenbaum
Roller Ball Murder - William Harrison
Toast A Con Report - Charles Stross
I Robot - Cory Doctorow
Titanium Mike Saves the Day - David D. Levine
Starsong - Fred Saberhagen
Scanners Live In Vain - Cordwainer Smith
Looking Through Lace - Ruth Nestvold
Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Scott Westerfeld
The Cold Equations - Tom Godwin
Wikiworld - Paul Di Filippo
The Juniper Tree - John Kessel
Osama Phone Home - David Marusek
Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog - B. W. Clough
Tourist - Charles Stross
Scroogled - Cory Doctorow
Craters - Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Glory - Greg Egan
Stealing Alabama - Allen M. Steele
Henry James This One's For You - Jack McDevitt
Bag Lady - Walter Jon Williams
The Chief Designer - Andy Duncan
Caught In the Organ Draft - Robert Silverberg
The Children's Crusade - Robert Reed
Overkill - Elizabeth Bear
In the Upper Room - Terry Bisson
Exit Before Saving - Ruth Nestvold
Legions In Time - Michael Swanwick
Incarnation Day - Walter Jon Williams
Mercytanks - Jennifer Pelland
Of Mist and Grass and Sand - Vonda N. McIntyre
Qubit Conflicts - Jetse De Vries
Ice Dwarves - Doug Goodman
Six Lights Off Green Star - Gareth L. Powell
Halo - Charles Stross
I Row-Boat - Cory Doctorow
Omnilingual - H. Beam Piper
Steve Fever - Greg Egan
The Days Between - Allen M. Steele
Survivor - Charles Stross
Anda's Game - Cory Doctorow
Ginungagap - Michael Swanwick
Pulp Alibis - Paul Di Filippo
The Colour Out of Space - H. P. Lovecraft
The Egan Thief - Gord Sellars
Damned If You Don't - Randall Garrett
Approaching Perimelasma - Geoffrey A. Landis
Consider Her Ways - John Wyndham
The People Of Sand and Slag - Paolo Bacigalupi
Sheena 5 - Stephen Baxter
First Contact - Murray Leinster
Kin - Bruce McAllister
The Sledge-Maker's Daughter - Alastair Reynolds
Laws Of Survival - Nancy Kress
Diplomat-At-Arms - Keith Laumer
Unwirer - Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross
Pride - Mary Turzillo
Ship's Eye - Terry Dowling
Shade - Steve Gould
Melancholy Elephants - Spider Robinson
The Green Leopard Plague - Walter Jon Williams
Elector - Charles Stross
When SysAdmins Ruled the Earth - Cory Doctorow
Radiant Green Star - Lucius Shepard
Sergeant Chip - Bradley Denton
Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons - Cordwainer Smith
Division By Zero - Ted Chiang
Exploration Team - Murray Leinster
The Dead - Michael Swanwick
Border Guards - Greg Egan
Who Goes There? - John W. Campbell
Lusts of the Cat Queen: A Dash Manning Adventure - Melanie Fletcher
Ti's Toys - James H. Schmitz
Thunder and Roses - Theodore Sturgeon
Shambleau - C. L. Moore

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