Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy - Most Appearances Ever

Apr 01, 2008 11:12

Combining the two lists, gives :-


51 Wolfe, Gene
50 Campbell, Ramsey
49 Silverberg, Robert
46 Swanwick, Michael
45 Lee, Tanith
37 Kress, Nancy
36 Reed, Robert
35 Ellison, Harlan
34 Guin, Ursula K. Le
32 Sterling, Bruce
31 Leiber, Fritz
28 Kelly, James Patrick
28 Shepard, Lucius
27 Benford, Gregory
27 Egan, Greg
27 Lafferty, R. A.
27 Royle, Nicholas
26 Baxter, Stephen
26 Etchison, Dennis
26 Gaiman, Neil
25 Varley, John
24 Bishop, Michael
24 Tem, Steve Rasnic
24 Waldrop, Howard
23 Cadigan, Pat
23 Newman, Kim
23 Willis, Connie
22 Aldiss, Brian W.
22 Haldeman, Joe
21 Smith, Michael Marshall
20 Bisson, Terry
20 Ford, Jeffrey
20 Macleod, Ian R.
20 Mcdonald, Ian

19 Lint, Charles De
19 Tiptree, James
19 Williams, Walter Jon
19 Yolen, Jane
18 Anderson, Poul
18 Grant, Charles L.
18 Link, Kelly
18 Watson, Ian
17 Disch, Thomas M.
17 Hand, Elizabeth
17 Martin, George R. R.
17 Mcauley, Paul J.
16 Kessel, John
16 Tuttle, Lisa
15 Asimov, Isaac
15 Brunner, John
15 Dowling, Terry
15 Fowler, Christopher
15 Lane, Joel
15 Ligotti, Thomas
15 Lumley, Brian
15 Reynolds, Alastair
15 Rickert, M.
15 Stableford, Brian M.
14 Baker, Kage
14 Bryant, Edward
14 Harrison, M. John
14 King, Stephen
14 Pohl, Frederik
14 Ryman, Geoff
14 Schow, David J.
13 Card, Orson Scott
13 Davidson, Avram
13 Fowler, Karen Joy
13 Kiernan, Caitlin R.
13 Koja, Kathe
13 Lamsley, Terry
13 Stross, Charles
13 Zelazny, Roger
12 Ballard, J. G.
12 Bradbury, Ray
12 Emshwiller, Carol
12 Filippo, Paul Di
12 Hirshberg, Glen
12 Jones, Gwyneth
12 Oates, Joyce Carol
12 Robinson, Kim Stanley
12 Sheckley, Robert
12 Sherman, Delia
12 Simak, Clifford D.
12 Wagner, Karl Edward
11 Chiang, Ted
11 Hoffman, Nina Kiriki
11 Knight, Damon
11 Mcallister, Bruce
11 Wilhelm, Kate
10 Beagle, Peter S.
10 Doctorow, Cory
10 Goss, Theodora
10 Landis, Geoffrey A.
10 Mckillip, Patricia A.
10 Niven, Larry
10 Simmons, Dan
10 Williams, Liz
9 Bacigalupi, Paolo
9 Barron, Laird
9 Bear, Greg
9 Bester, Alfred
9 Clarke, Arthur C.
9 Gallagher, Stephen
9 Kilworth, Garry
9 Langford, David
9 Macleod, Ken
9 Moorcock, Michael
9 Murphy, Pat
9 Palwick, Susan
9 Rosenbaum, Benjamin
9 Rosenblum, Mary
9 Sallee, Wayne Allen
9 Spinrad, Norman
9 Straub, Peter
9 Sturgeon, Theodore
8 Brite, Poppy Z.
8 Budrys, Algis
8 Carroll, Jonathan
8 Dann, Jack
8 Hodge, Brian
8 Klein, T. E. D.
8 Lewis, D. F.
8 Partridge, Norman
8 Reed, Kit
8 Russ, Joanna
8 Sheffield, Charles
7 Arnason, Eleanor
7 Barrett, Neal
7 Bloch, Robert
7 Bradfield, Scott
7 Brown, Fredric
7 Cherryh, C. J.
7 Cowper, Richard
7 Crowley, John
7 Dick, Philip K.
7 Drake, David
7 Duncan, Andy
7 Gregory, Daryl
7 Henderson, Zenna
7 Malzberg, Barry N.
7 Mchugh, Maureen F.
7 Mcintyre, Vonda N.
7 Millerjr., Walter M.
7 Pelt, James Van
7 Pratt, Tim
7 Priest, Christopher
7 Resnick, Mike
7 Robinson, Frank M.
7 Rusch, Kristine Kathryn
7 Somtow, S. P.
7 Turtledove, Harry
7 Vinge, Vernor
7 Wilder, Cherry
7 Wilson, Robert Charles
7 Winter, Douglas E.
6 Antieau, Kim
6 Beckett, Chris
6 Bertin, Eddy C.
6 Bretnor, Reginald
6 Butler, Octavia E.
6 Camp, L. Sprague De
6 Carter, Lin
6 Clark, Simon
6 Clegg, Douglas
6 Coney, Michael G.
6 Effinger, George Alec
6 Flynn, Michael F.
6 Goldstein, Lisa
6 Jablokov, Alexander
6 Lanagan, Margo
6 Leinster, Murray
6 Matheson, Richard
6 Millhauser, Steven
6 Moffett, Judith
6 Morrow, James
6 Sanders, William
6 Shaw, Bob
6 Shiner, Lewis
6 Tessier, Thomas
6 Tubb, E. C.
6 Vance, Jack
6 Vandermeer, Jeff
6 Wellman, Manly Wade
5 Asher, Neal
5 Bailey, Dale
5 Barton, William
5 Bear, Elizabeth
5 Bell, M. Shayne
5 Blaylock, James P.
5 Blumlein, Michael
5 Brennert, Alan
5 Cady, Jack
5 Carr, Jayge
5 Chappell, Fred
5 Charnas, Suzy Mckee
5 Clarke, Susanna
5 Clifton, Mark
5 Dickson, Gordon R.
5 Eekhout, Greg Van
5 Eklund, Gordon
5 Finlay, Charles Coleman
5 Gibson, William
5 Goulart, Ron
5 Hopkinson, Nalo
5 Joyce, Graham
5 Klages, Ellen
5 Kornbluth, Frederik Pohl And C. M.
5 Lansdale, Joe R.
5 Leman, Bob
5 Masterton, Graham
5 Matheson, Richard Christian
5 Mcauley, Paul
5 Mcintosh, Pat
5 Morlan, A. R.
5 Morrell, David
5 Parks, Richard
5 Popkes, Steven
5 Porges, Arthur
5 Purdom, Tom
5 Reynolds, Mack
5 Roberson, Chris
5 Robertson, R. Garcia Y
5 Rowe, Christopher
5 Russell, Jay
5 Shea, Michael
5 Smith, Cordwainer
5 Spencer, William Browning
5 Stableford, Brian
5 Utley, Steven
5 Williams, Conrad
5 Young, Robert F.
4 Abernathy, Robert
4 Abraham, Daniel
4 Aickman, Robert
4 Atkins, Peter
4 Barker, Clive
4 Braunbeck, Gary A.
4 Brin, David
4 Burleson, Donald R.
4 Campton, David
4 Carter, Angela
4 Chetwynd-hayes, R.
4 Comeau, J. L.
4 Copper, Basil
4 Daniel, Tony
4 Denton, Bradley
4 Dozois, Gardner R.
4 Farmer, Philip José
4 Feeley, Gregory
4 Gilman, Carolyn Ives
4 Gordon, John
4 Hamilton, Peter F.
4 Hill, Joe
4 Jacobs, Harvey
4 Jeter, K. W.
4 Johnson, Roger
4 Kersh, Gerald
4 Kushner, Ellen
4 Laidlaw, Marc
4 Lake, Jay
4 Lannes, Roberta
4 Lebbon, Tim
4 Levine, David D.
4 Macdonald, John D.
4 Maclean, Katherine
4 Massie, Elizabeth
4 Mccammon, Robert R.
4 Mccarthy, Wil
4 Mieville, China
4 Moore, Ward
4 Nesvadba, Josef
4 Nix, Garth
4 Nolan, William F.
4 Phillips, Holly
4 Powers, Tim
4 Reynolds, Ted
4 Russell, Eric Frank
4 Samuels, Mark
4 Schweitzer, Darrell
4 Scortia, Thomas N.
4 Skillingstead, Jack
4 Snyder, Midori
4 Steele, Allen M.
4 Taylor, John Alfred
4 Temple, William F.
4 Tenn, William
4 Tumasonis, Don
4 Vinge, Joan D.
4 Waldrop, Steven Utley And Howard
4 Webb, Don
4 Williamson, Chet
4 Wilson, F. Paul
4 Wilson, Gahan
4 Wilson, Richard
3 Anvil, Christopher
3 Ballantyne, Tony
3 Barnes, John
3 Barthelme, Donald
3 Barzak, Christopher
3 Bayley, Barrington J.
3 Bigglejr., Lloyd
3 Black, Holly
3 Bone, J. F.
3 Bova, Ben
3 Brenchley, Chaz
3 Bunch, David R.
3 Byatt, A. S.
3 Chadbourn, Mark
3 Clement, Hal
3 Collins, Nancy A.
3 Cowdrey, Albert E.
3 Crowther, Peter
3 Dann, Jack M.
3 Delany, Samuel R.
3 Dunyach, Jean-claude
3 Eisenstein, Phyllis
3 Elgin, Suzette Haden
3 Files, Gemma
3 Finney, Jack
3 Fox, Janet
3 Frost, Gregory
3 Fuqua, C. S.
3 Girard, James P.
3 Gloss, Molly
3 Goddin, Jeffrey
3 Godwin, Parke
3 Godwin, Tom
3 Gorman, Ed
3 Gould, Steven
3 Green, Dominic
3 Grimsley, Jim
3 Gunn, Eileen
3 Gunn, James E.
3 Harman, Christopher
3 Harness, Charles L.
3 Harrison, Harry
3 Hodgson, Sheila
3 Hughes, Matthew
3 Ing, Dean
3 Ings, Simon
3 Kidd, A. F.
3 Kingsbury, Donald
3 Kirk, Russell
3 Kuttner, Henry
3 Lake, David J.
3 Laws, Stephen
3 Lawson, Chris
3 Lee, Mary Soon
3 Lynn, Elizabeth A.
3 Malzberg, Kathe Koja And Barry N.
3 Marusek, David
3 Masson, David I.
3 Mcdevitt, Jack
3 Mchardy, Vincent
3 Meaney, John
3 Mitchison, Naomi
3 Moles, David
3 Morressy, John
3 Murakami, Haruki
3 Nicoll, Gregory
3 Nordley, G. David
3 Plauger, P. J.
3 Powell, James
3 Rath, Tina
3 Roberts, Adam
3 Roberts, Keith
3 Robinett, Stephen
3 Rucker, Rudy
3 Saberhagen, Fred
3 Sarrantonio, Al
3 Saunders, Charles R.
3 Saunders, George
3 Scyoc, Sydney J. Van
3 Sheldon, Raccoona
3 Shunn, William
3 Singh, Vandana
3 Smith, Clark Ashton
3 Sucharitkul, Somtow
3 Tarr, Judith
3 Tem, Steve Rasnic And Melanie
3 Thomas, Scott
3 Undwin, Grail
3 Wadholm, Richard
3 Wilce, Ysabeau
3 Williamson, Jack
3 Winter-damon, T.
3 Wolfe, Ron
3 Womack, Jack
3 Wrede, Patricia C.
3 Wright, John C.
3 Zivkovic, Zoran
2 Aiken, Joan
2 Aikin, Jim
2 Aldiss, Brian
2 Allende, Isabel
2 Amis, Kingsley
2 Arnzen, Michael A.
2 Baker, Russell
2 Baker, Scott
2 Ballingrud, Nathan
2 Banks, Raymond E.
2 Beaumont, Charles
2 Blau, Gala
2 Blish, James
2 Borges, Jorge Luis
2 Bowes, Richard
2 Bradley, Marion Zimmer
2 Brandner, Gary
2 Brennan, Joseph Payne
2 Brockmeier, Kevin
2 Brown, Simon
2 Brown, T. K.
2 Broxon, Mildred Downey
2 Brust, Steven
2 Bull, Emma
2 Bull, Scott Emerson
2 Burhoe, B. Alan
2 Busby, F. M.
2 Cacek, P. D.
2 Cador, Caradoc A.
2 Cambias, James L.
2 Carpenter, Leonard P.
2 Carter, Clark Ashton Smith And Lin
2 Cassutt, Michael
2 Chabon, Michael
2 Chalker, Jack L.
2 Chapman, Stepan
2 Chapman, Steve
2 Chilson, Rob
2 Chislett, Michael
2 Clough, B. W.
2 Cogswell, Theodore R.
2 Cole, Adrian
2 Connolly, Lawrence C.
2 Constantine, Storm
2 Cook, Paul H.
2 Coover, Robert
2 Cover, Arthur Byron
2 Coyne, John
2 Csernica, Lillian
2 Davis, Avram Davidson And Grania
2 Dedman, Stephen
2 Dellamonica, A. M.
2 Devereaux, Robert
2 Dichario, Nick
2 Dickinson, Peter
2 Donaldson, Stephen R.
2 Due, Tananarive
2 Dunn, J. R.
2 Dybek, Stuart
2 Dyer, S. N.
2 Engstrom, Elizabeth
2 Farris, John
2 Ferré, Rosario
2 Filer, Burt K.
2 Fintushel, Eliot
2 Ford, John M.
2 Foster, Alan Dean
2 Frazier, Ian
2 Frazier, Lucius Shepard And Robert
2 Friesner, Esther M.
2 Froehlich, Joey
2 Fusco, Adam Corbin
2 Gardner, Craig Shaw
2 Garfield, Frances
2 Gloeckner, Carolyn
2 Goonan, Kathleen Ann
2 Grant, Gavin
2 Halliwell, Leslie
2 Hardinge, Frances
2 Hardy, Melissa
2 Heath, Phillip C.
2 Hemesath, James B.
2 Henderson, Samantha
2 Howard, Robert E.
2 Irvine, Alex
2 Jackson, Shelley
2 Johnson, Alaya Dawn
2 Johnson, Bill
2 Johnson, Kij
2 Johnson, Matthew
2 Jones, Stephen Graham
2 Kagan, Norman
2 Kapp, Colin
2 Kennedy, Leigh
2 Kennett, Rick
2 Ketchum, Jack
2 Kidd, Chico
2 Killough, Lee
2 Kilpatrick, Nancy
2 Kornbluth, Cyril
2 Kosmatka, Ted
2 Kritzer, Naomi
2 Kube-mcdowell, Michael P.
2 Lalumiere, Claude
2 Landolfi, Tommaso
2 Laymon, Richard
2 Lee, Rand B.
2 Lee, Yoon Ha
2 Lethem, Jonathan
2 Libling, Michael
2 Little, Bentley
2 Long, Frank Belknap
2 Lupoff, Richard A.
2 Macfarlane, Wallace
2 Macintyre, F. Gwynplaine
2 Maclennan, Phyllis
2 Maddox, Tom
2 Maguire, Gregory
2 Maitland, Sara
2 Mcdowell, Ian
2 Mcdowell, Michael
2 Mckenna, Richard M.
2 Mclaughlin, Mark
2 Mcleod, Patrick
2 Melko, Paul
2 Meyer, Adam
2 Miles, Lawrence
2 Monteleone, Thomas F.
2 Moody, Rick
2 Moore, Raylyn
2 Morris, Mark
2 Morrison, Grant
2 Morrison, William
2 Munn, H. Warner
2 Myers, Gary
2 Márquez, Gabriel García
2 Navarro, Yvonne
2 Nestvold, Jay Lake And Ruth
2 Nevill, Adam L. G.
2 Nutman, Philip
2 O'driscoll, Mike
2 O'nan, Stewart
2 Oliver, Chad
2 Oliver, Reggie
2 Osier, Jeffrey
2 Palahniuk, Chuck
2 Panshin, Alexei
2 Park, Paul
2 Pedler, Kit
2 Peirce, Hayford
2 Phillips, Rog
2 Price, Roger
2 Ptacek, Kathryn
2 Purdy, Ken W.
2 Rajaniemi, Hannu
2 Reaves, J. Michael
2 Richter, Stacey
2 Robinson, Spider And Jeanne
2 Roden, Barbara
2 Rogers, Bruce Holland
2 Roggie, Deborah
2 Rome, David
2 Rotsler, William
2 Rowlands, David G.
2 Rucker, Lynda E.
2 Russell, Ray
2 Sakers, Don
2 Salmonson, Jessica Amanda
2 Sambrot, William
2 Sargent, Pamela
2 Schaefer, China Mieville And Emma Bircham And Max
2 Schaller, Eric
2 Schenck, Hilbert
2 Shiras, Wilmar H.
2 Shirley, John
2 Silva, David B.
2 Sinclair, Iain
2 Sladek, John T.
2 Slonczewski, Joan
2 Sneyd, Steve
2 Sparhawk, Bud
2 Springer, Nancy
2 Stanchfield, Justin
2 Strete, Craig
2 Strickland, Brad
2 Sussex, Lucy
2 Sutton, David
2 Swanwick, Gardner R. Dozois And Jack M. Dann And Michael
2 Sykes, S. C.
2 Taaffe, Sonya
2 Tall, Stephen
2 Thomas, Jeffrey
2 Thomas, Theodore L.
2 Tilley, Robert J.
2 Travis, Tia V.
2 Turner, George
2 Updike, John
2 Vinge, Joan D. And Vernor
2 Vukcevich, Ray
2 Watt-evans, Lawrence
2 Weighell, Ron
2 Wellen, Edward
2 Welles, Philip Raines And Harvey
2 Westall, Robert
2 White, James
2 Williamson, J. N.
2 Wu, William F.
2 Wyndham, John
2 Yermakov, Nicholas V.
2 Youmans, Marly
1 Aandahl, Vance
1 Abe, Kobo
1 Abraham, Gardner Dozois And George R. R. Martin And Daniel
1 Ackert, Benjamin Rosenbaum & David
1 Ackert, Benjamin Rosenbaum And David
1 Adriázola, Claudia
1 Alexander, Lloyd
1 Alexander, William
1 Alexie, Sherman
1 Alfar, Dean Francis
1 Allen, Steve
1 Allen, Woody
1 Alter, Robert Edmond
1 Amundsen, Erik
1 Anderson, Karen
1 Anderson, Kevin J.
1 Anderson, M. T.
1 Anderson, M.t.
1 Anderson, Timothy J.
1 Anfilov, Gleb
1 Apostolides, Mark Clifton And Alex
1 Ardai, Charles
1 Arnott, Marion
1 Asaro, Catherine
1 Ash, Paul
1 Ash, Sarah
1 Attanasio, A. A.
1 Auerbach, Arnold M.
1 Avalle-arce, Diane De
1 Babbitt, Natalie
1 Bailey, Hilary
1 Bailey, Robin Wayne
1 Baker, Nicholson
1 Bamber, George
1 Banker, Ashok
1 Barber, Daniel Wynn
1 Barker, B. Brandon
1 Barnes, Larry Niven And Steven
1 Barr, Donald
1 Bass, T. J.
1 Bates, Susanna
1 Battersby, Lee
1 Baudino, Gael
1 Baum, Thomas
1 Beagle, Peter
1 Becker, Stephen
1 Beerbohm, Max
1 Belkom, Edo Van
1 Bell, Chris
1 Benford, Gordon Eklund And Gregory
1 Bennett, Renee
1 Bensink, John Robert
1 Berman, Judith
1 Bernard, Kenneth
1 Bestwick, Simon
1 Bevan, Alistair
1 Birmingham, Elizabeth
1 Bixby, Jerome
1 Blandiana, Ana
1 Block, Francesca Lia
1 Block, Lawrence
1 Blythe, Ronald
1 Bobet, Leah
1 Bok, Hannes
1 Boles, Paul Darcy
1 Boucher, Anthony
1 Bowen, Hannah Wolf
1 Bowes, Rick
1 Bowne, Patricia
1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan
1 Brackett, Leigh
1 Brand, Jonathan
1 Brantingham, Juleen
1 Brennan, Tom
1 Bringsvaerd, Tor ÅGe
1 Brizzolara, John
1 Broderick, Damien
1 Brodrick, Sean
1 Brooke, Keith
1 Brown, Bill
1 Brown, Molly
1 Brown, Nigel
1 Brown, Rosel George
1 Brown, Sean Williams And Simon
1 Brownrigg, Sylvia
1 Brèque, Jean-daniel
1 Buchwald, Art
1 Buckell, Tobias S.
1 Budnitz, Judy
1 Burch, Milbre
1 Burgess, Anthony
1 Burke, John
1 Burleson, Donald
1 Burns, Christopher
1 Burns, Cliff
1 Burns, Stephen L.
1 Burroughs, William S.
1 Busby, Frank Herbert And F. M.
1 Butler, Robert Olen
1 Butner, Richard
1 Byram, George
1 Byrne, Johnny
1 Cadger, Rick
1 Canfield, Michael
1 Cantine, Holley
1 Capek, Karel
1 Capella, Raul Garcia
1 Carmody, Isobelle
1 Carneiro, André
1 Carr, Robert Spencer
1 Carr, Terry
1 Carrad, David Clayton
1 Carter, L. Sprague De Camp And Lin
1 Case, David
1 Casper, Susan
1 Causey, James
1 Cave, Hugh B.
1 Cawood, Hap
1 Champagne, Lenora
1 Chandler, A. Bertram
1 Chandra, Vikram
1 Chaon, Dan
1 Chin, M. Lucie
1 Christopher, John
1 Chwedyk, Richard
1 Citro, Joseph A.
1 Clarke, J. Brian
1 Cleeve, Brian
1 Clingerman, Mildred
1 Clinton, Robert
1 Coakley, Philip
1 Coates, Deborah
1 Cogswell, Theodore L. Thomas And Theodore R.
1 Cole, Everett B.
1 Compton, D. G.
1 Considine, June
1 Cool, Tom
1 Cooper, Brenda
1 Coppel, Alfred
1 Coren, Alan
1 Corradi, Matthew
1 Costikyan, Greg
1 Coupling, J. J.
1 Cowan, Jim
1 Cowdrey, Albert
1 Cox, Deidra
1 Creasey, Ian
1 Crossen, Kendell Foster
1 Curtis, Betsy
1 Curtis, Craig
1 Dahl, Roald
1 Daley, John Bernard
1 Dalkey, Kara
1 Dalmas, John
1 Daly, Dan
1 Dancey, G. Gordon Dewey And Max
1 Daniels, Les
1 Dann, Gardner R. Dozois And Jack M.
1 Dann, Jack Dann And Jeanne Van Buren
1 Davies, Colin P.
1 Davis, Grania
1 Davis, Robert L.
1 Davis, Susan
1 Dawa, Zhaxi
1 Dazai, Osamu
1 Deane, John F.
1 Debilljr., Walter C.
1 Deitchman, Bernard
1 Delaney, Joseph H.
1 Demarinis, Rick
1 Dhuibhne, Eilis Ni
1 Dick, Leslie
1 Dickerson, D. Ellis
1 Dickson, Poul Anderson And Gordon
1 Dikty, T. E.
1 Doerr, Anthony
1 Donoghue, Emma
1 Doolittle, Sean
1 Dorman, Sonya
1 Dorsey, Candas Jane
1 Douglass, Sara
1 Doyle, Noreen
1 Dubois, Brendan
1 Duffy, Brendan
1 Duffy, Ian Rodwell And Steve
1 Duffy, Steve
1 Dufresne, John
1 Duling, Ennis
1 Dungate, Pauline E.
1 Durrell, Lawrence
1 Earls, William
1 Edelman, Scott
1 Edghill, Rosemary
1 Edwards, Malcolm
1 Eekhout, Tim Pratt And Greg Van
1 Egan, Doris
1 Ehrlich, Dr. Paul R.
1 Eisenberg, Larry
1 Ellanby, Boyd
1 Elliott, George P.
1 Ellis, Mary
1 Emerson, Ru
1 Emmett, Elizabeth
1 Enger, Leif
1 Engle, Margarita
1 Erdrich, Louise
1 Ericson, Gloria
1 Erikson, Steven
1 Eskridge, Kelley
1 Etchemendy, Nancy
1 Fancett, Elizabeth
1 Farber, Jerry
1 Farber, Sharon N.
1 Farmer, Nancy
1 Farrell, James T.
1 Fast, Howard
1 Faust, Christa
1 Fazi, Mélanie
1 Fell, Alison
1 Fennel, Erik
1 Ferguson, Andrew C.
1 Finch, Sheila
1 Fitzgerald, Gillian
1 Fitzpatrick, R. C.
1 Fleutiaux, Pierrette
1 Flinn, Russell
1 Florance-guthridge, George
1 Flynn, Michael
1 Fountain, Ben
1 Fox, Daniel
1 Fox, Gardner F.
1 Free, Colin
1 Freeman, Les
1 Fremlin, Celia
1 Friborg, Albert C.
1 Fritch, Charles E.
1 Funnell, Augustine
1 Funnell, Augustine Bruins
1 Gabbard, G. N.
1 Gallardo, Sara
1 Galloway, Janice
1 Gardner, Martin
1 Garnett, David
1 Garnett, David S.
1 Garris, Mick
1 Garton, Ray
1 Gary, Romain
1 Gauger, Rick
1 Gay, Anne
1 Gehman, Richard
1 Gentle, Mary
1 Gerald, Gregory Fitz
1 Gernes, Sonia
1 Gerrold, David
1 Geston, Mark S.
1 Gibson, John Shirley And William
1 Gibson, Michael Swanwick And William
1 Gilman, Greer
1 Girardi, Robert
1 Gironella, José Maria
1 Glaser, Alice
1 Glassco, Bruce
1 Goldin, Stephen
1 Goldsmith, Howard
1 Goldsmith, Ruth M.
1 Goodkind, Terry
1 Gopnik, Adam
1 Gordon, W. J. J.
1 Gorodischer, Angélica
1 Gotschalk, Felix C.
1 Graham, Brenna Yovanoff
1 Graham, Philip
1 Graham, Seana
1 Grant, Charles
1 Grant, Glenn
1 Gray, Muriel
1 Green, Joseph
1 Greenberg, Alvin
1 Greenberg, Joanne
1 Griffin, Marni
1 Griffith, Nicola
1 Grinnell, David
1 Grossbach, Robert
1 Grow, Julian F.
1 Grubb, Davis
1 Guthridge, Marcia
1 Haase, John
1 Haldemanii, Jack C.
1 Hale, Robert Beverly
1 Hall, Donald
1 Hall, Sharon M.
1 Hamilton, Alex
1 Handler, Daniel
1 Hansen, Ron
1 Haringa, Jack
1 Harper, Rory
1 Harris, Anne
1 Harrison, Simon Ings And M. John
1 Harrison, William
1 Hartman, Sue Kepros
1 Hartridge, Jon
1 Hay, George
1 Hecht, Jeff
1 Helfman, Elizabeth S.
1 Hemry, John
1 Hendee, Barb
1 Henderson, Dan
1 Herbert, Frank
1 Herbert, James
1 Herbst, Steve
1 Herter, David
1 Herzog, Tom
1 Hickey, H. B.
1 Higgins, Peter
1 Hill, Conrad
1 Hitchcock, Robyn
1 Hodgman, Jan
1 Hoffman, Alice
1 Hogan, Rick Cook And Ernest
1 Holappa, Pentti
1 Holder, Nancy
1 Holland, Noy
1 Hollis, H. H.
1 Home, William Scott
1 Hood, Daniel
1 Hood, Robert
1 Hopkins, Brian A.
1 Hoskins, Robert
1 Houser, Nik
1 Houston, James D.
1 Howard, Hayden
1 Hoyle, Fred
1 Huff, Tanya
1 Hufford, Liz
1 Hugh, Dafydd Ab
1 Hurlbut, Kaatje
1 Hurley, Kameron
1 Hutchinson, Dave
1 Hwang, Chang
1 Ionesco, Eugène
1 Jackson, Shirley
1 Jacob, Charlee
1 Jaeger, Jonathan Lethem And Lukas
1 Jakes, John W.
1 James, Clive
1 Janvier, Ivan
1 Jarpe, Matthew
1 Jarry, Alfred
1 Javor, Frank A.
1 Jennings, Jor
1 Jesby, Edward
1 Jonas, Gerald
1 Jones, Diana Wynne
1 Jones, Gweyneth
1 Jones, Sally Roberts
1 Jorgensson, A. K.
1 Jr., L. E. Modesitt
1 Jr., Walter M. Miller,
1 Kadrey, Richard
1 Kaftan, Vylar
1 Kagan, Janet
1 Kang, Minsoo
1 Kanin, Garson
1 Katerli, Nina
1 Kaye, Marvin
1 Kaysen, Daniel
1 Keans, Richard
1 Kearns, Richard
1 Keefe, Robert
1 Keene, Brian
1 Kelly, Robert
1 Kemnitzer, Lucy
1 Kennedy, Howard Waldrop And Leigh
1 Kennedy, Pagan
1 Kent, Morgan
1 Kenworthy, Chris
1 Kernaghan, Eileen
1 Kerr, Katharine
1 Kessel, James Patrick Kelly And John
1 Keyes, Daniel
1 Kilworth, Robert Holdstock And Garry
1 King, Marshall
1 King, William
1 Kirs, Alex
1 Kirtley, David Barr
1 Kisor, Maureen F. Mchugh And David B.
1 Klavan, Andrew
1 Know, Dont
1 Kolakowski, Leszek
1 Kornbluth, C. M.
1 Kotzwinkle, William
1 Kowal, Mary Robinette
1 Kraus, Stephen
1 Krepps, H. L. Gold And Robert
1 Krepps, Robert W.
1 Kubilius, Walter
1 Kupferberg, Tuli
1 Kurahashi, Yumiko
1 Kurland, Michael J.
1 Kurosaka, Robert T.
1 Laben, Carrie
1 Lafarge, Paul
1 Lai, Larissa
1 Laidlaw, Gregory Benford And Marc
1 Laidlaw, Rudy Rucker And Marc
1 Lain, Douglas
1 Landis, Geoffrey
1 Langan, John
1 Langan, Sarah
1 Langanan, Margo
1 Langart, Darrel T.
1 Langelaan, George
1 Larrabeiti, Michael De
1 Laumer, Keith
1 Lawson, Jack B.
1 Lawson, James
1 Lebbon, Simon Clark And Tim
1 Leckie, Ann
1 Lee, Denise
1 Leigh, Stephen
1 Leman, Grahame
1 Leming, Ron
1 Lentini, A.
1 Lerner, Edward M.
1 Lerner, Fred
1 Levinson, Paul
1 Lewis, Ben Bova And Myron R.
1 Lindholm, Megan
1 Lindsley, Heather
1 Link, Gavin J. Grant And Kelly
1 Liu, Ken
1 Locke, David M.
1 Longyear, Barry B.
1 Lopez, Barry
1 Lory, Robert
1 Lott, Bret
1 Love, Rosaleen
1 Lynch, H. Andrew
1 Lyons, Kevin A.
1 Macapp, C. C.
1 Macbeth, George
1 Macbride, Alexander
1 Macculloch, Simon
1 Mackin, Edward
1 Malamud, Bernard
1 Malartre, Elisabeth
1 Malartre, Gregory Benford And Elisabeth
1 Malec, Alexander B.
1 Mallory, David
1 Malpass, E. L.
1 Mamatas, Nick
1 Manzione, Joseph
1 Marano, Michael
1 Marks, Winston K.
1 Marsh, Willard
1 Martin, Lisa Tuttle And George R. R.
1 Martin, Patricia Preciado
1 Mason, Lisa
1 Massa, Jack
1 Massin, Kain
1 Maurois, André
1 Mcbride, D. R.
1 Mccaffrey, Anne
1 Mccallum, Shara
1 Mcconnell, James V.
1 Mccormack, Una
1 Mcdaniel, Mary Catherine
1 Mcgrath, Patrick
1 Mcguire, John J.
1 Mcintosh, J. T.
1 Mcintosh, Will
1 Mckay, Kevin
1 Mckinley, Robin
1 Mcknight, Reginald
1 Mclaughlin, Dean
1 Mclaughlin, Lauren
1 Mcmahan, F. A.
1 Mcmahan, Rick
1 Mcmahon, Gary
1 Mcmullen, Sean
1 Mcnear, Robert
1 Mcpherson, Danith
1 Mead, Donald
1 Mellick, Carlton
1 Merliss, R. R.
1 Meyers, Kent
1 Meynard, Yves
1 Michaels, Melisa
1 Michaux, Henri
1 Miller, R. Dewitt
1 Milosz, O. V. De L.
1 Mingin, William
1 Mitchell, Mary Ann
1 Momaday, N. Scott
1 Monette, Elizabeth Bear And Sarah
1 Monette, Sarah
1 Monfredo, Miriam Grace
1 Monk, Devon
1 Montgomerie, Lee
1 Moody, Susan
1 Mooney, Brian
1 Moore, Alan
1 Moore, Henry Kuttner And C. L.
1 Moore, Ralph Robert
1 Moore, Richard A.
1 Morton, Oliver
1 Moser, Elise
1 Mosser, Susan
1 Moudy, Walter F.
1 Mrozek, Slawomir
1 Mueller, Richard
1 Mulisch, Harry
1 Murphy, Joe
1 Murphy, Mark L. Van Name And Pat
1 Murphy, Peter Watts And Derryl
1 Murray, Yxta Maya
1 Myers, Howard L.
1 Nagy, Steve
1 Nathan, Robert
1 Naylor, Chris
1 Nelson, Ray Faraday
1 Nestvold, Ruth
1 Neville, Kris
1 Newland, Emily
1 Newland, Mike
1 Newman, Paul J. Mcauley And Kim
1 Niall, David
1 Nicholson, Scott
1 Nickels, Tim
1 Nickle, David
1 Niemand, O.
1 Noakes, Donald
1 Nodvik, Stan
1 Nogueira, Claudia Barbosa
1 Norton, Andre
1 Norton, Ralph
1 Nourse, Philip H. Smith And Alan E.
1 O'connell, Jack
1 O'donnell, K. M.
1 O'donnell, Kris Neville And K. M.
1 O'keefe, Claudia
1 O'leary, Patrick
1 Offutt, Andrew J.
1 Offutt, Robert E. Howard And Andrew J.
1 Oldale, Peter
1 Oliver, Frances
1 Olonoff, Neil
1 Olsen, Robert R.
1 Olujic, Grozdana
1 Onopa, Robert
1 Ore, Rebecca
1 Osgood, Lawrence
1 Ottumjr., Bob
1 Owens, Simon
1 Owsley, Cliff
1 Ozick, Cynthia
1 Padgett, Lewis
1 Page, Gerald W.
1 Palmer, David R.
1 Pangborn, Mary C.
1 Panich, Jovan
1 Panshin, Alexei And Cory
1 Paretsky, Sara
1 Park, Severna
1 Pastor, Ben
1 Paxson, Marion Zimmer Bradley And Diana L.
1 Peck, Richard E.
1 Pembrooke, Kenneth
1 Perriwils, G. W.
1 Petrey, Susan C.
1 Pettigrew, Dawn Karima
1 Phelan, R. C.
1 Phillips, Mark
1 Phillips, Peter
1 Pickard, Nancy
1 Pinckard, Terri E.
1 Pinkwater, Daniel M.
1 Pinn, Paul
1 Piserchia, Doris
1 Plachta, Dannie
1 Plumbridge, Martin
1 Power, Susan
1 Pratt, T.a.
1 Prill, David
1 Pugmire, W. H.
1 Pumilia, Joseph F.
1 Purtill, Richard L.
1 Quintana, Leroy
1 Quiroba, Alex
1 Randall, Marta
1 Raphael, Rick
1 Redgrove, Peter
1 Reid, Julian
1 Rellingjr., William
1 Rey, Lester Del
1 Reynolds, Fredric Brown And Mack
1 Ribbeck, Bernard
1 Rice, Jane
1 Rich, Mark
1 Richerson, Carrie
1 Richmond, Walt Richmond And Leigh
1 Riedel, Kate
1 Riera, Carme
1 Riley, David A.
1 Riley, Frank
1 River, Uncle
1 Roberts, Frank
1 Robinson, Spider
1 Robson, Barbara
1 Robson, Justina
1 Rohrerjr., Robert H.
1 Roice, Kevin
1 Romero, Ricard De La Casa And Pedro Jorge
1 Roscoe, Patrick
1 Rosenbaum, David Ackert And Benjamin
1 Rosenkrantz, Charlie
1 Ross, Leone
1 Rossi, Caila
1 Rossi, Cristina Peri
1 Rowan, Iain
1 Russell, Bertrand
1 Russell, Karen
1 Russo, Richard Paul
1 Rutherford, Michael
1 Ruwe, Donelle R.
1 Ryan, Alan
1 Sabah, Victor
1 Salisbury, Ralph
1 Sallis, James
1 Salmonson, W. H. Pugmire And Jessica Amanda
1 Sammon, Paul M.
1 Samphire, Patrick
1 Sampson, Robert
1 Santos-febres, Mayra
1 Saplak, Charles M.
1 Sarath, Patrice E.
1 Sarowitz, Tony
1 Saunders, Jake
1 Savory, Brett Alexander
1 Sawyer, Robert J.
1 Saxton, Josephine
1 Schami, Rafik
1 Schanoes, Veronica
1 Schmitz, James H.
1 Schoffstall, John
1 Scholz, Carter
1 Schrader, Steven
1 Schroeder, Karl
1 Schwartz, David J.
1 Scofidio, M. R.
1 Seabright, Idris
1 Sedia, Ekaterina
1 Selley, April
1 Sellings, Arthur
1 Shaara, Michael
1 Shackleton, C. C.
1 Shaffer, Jeffrey
1 Shallit, Joseph
1 Sharkey, Jack
1 Sharratt, Mary
1 Shaw, Heather
1 Shawl, Nisi
1 Shefner, Vadim
1 Sheldon, Dyan
1 Shelley, Rick
1 Sher, Ira
1 Sherman, Charlotte Watson
1 Sherman, Ellen Kushner And Delia
1 Shetterly, Will
1 Shilston, Peter
1 Shinn, Sharon
1 Shockley, Gary W.
1 Shockley, W. M.
1 Simon, Rachel
1 Sims, L. H. Maynard And M. P. N.
1 Sinclair, Clive
1 Singer, Glen
1 Singer, Isaac Bashevis
1 Singleton, Sarah
1 Sinisalo, Johanna
1 Skeet, Michael
1 Sladek, John
1 Slesar, Henry
1 Sloca, Sue Ellen
1 Smeds, Dave
1 Smirl, Jerry Meredith And D. E.
1 Smith, Alison
1 Smith, Basil A.
1 Smith, David Alexander
1 Smith, Douglas
1 Smith, Sarah
1 Smith, Sherwood
1 Soellner, Rand
1 Sohl, Jerry
1 Spaar, Lisa Russ
1 Spark, Muriel
1 Spector, John M. Skipp And Craig
1 Spencer, Paul
1 Staig, Laurence
1 Starkey, David
1 Stavans, Ilan
1 Steiber, Ellen
1 Steinbeck, John
1 Stephenson, Andrew
1 Stern, Steve
1 Stewart, E. R.
1 Stoddard, James
1 Stonejr., Del
1 Stout, Tim
1 Stross, Cory Doctorow And Charles
1 Suga, Hiroe
1 Sullivan, John
1 Sullivan, Jonathon
1 Sullivan, Timothy R.
1 Swann, Thomas Burnett
1 Swanwick, Gardner R. Dozois And Jack Dann And Michael
1 Swirsky, Rachel
1 Szanto, George
1 Szilard, Leo
1 Tate, Peter
1 Taylor, Bernard
1 Taylor, Linnet
1 Taylor, Lucy
1 Tem, Melanie
1 Tevis, Walter S.
1 Thomas, Cogswell
1 Thomas, D. M.
1 Thomas, Gilbert
1 Thompson, Jessie
1 Thompson, Patrick
1 Thorne, Roger
1 Thurber, James
1 Thurston, Robert
1 Tibbetts, John
1 Tidhar, Lavie
1 Tiedemann, Mark W.
1 Tilton, Lois
1 Timlett, Peter Valentine
1 Timperley, Rosemary
1 Tiptreejr., James
1 Tokley, Simon Brown And Alison
1 Tolstaya, Tatyana
1 Tomasula, Steve
1 Totton, Sarah
1 Traviss, Karen
1 Tremblay, Paul
1 Tritten, Larry
1 Tucker, Wilson
1 Turner, Megan Whalen
1 Tushnet, Leonard
1 Tussing, Justin
1 Tuttle, George R. R. Martin And Lisa
1 Tyson, Donald
1 Ulanovsky, Daniel
1 Urrea, Luis Alberto
1 Valente, Catherynne M.
1 Varshavsky, Ilya
1 Vaz, Katherine
1 Velde, Vivian Vande
1 Vernon, Steve
1 Vick, Edd
1 Vizenor, Gerald
1 Vogt, A. E. Van
1 Vogt, Harlan Ellison And A. E. Van
1 Volk, Stephen
1 Vonnegutjr., Kurt
1 Wagner, Charles
1 Wald, E. G. Von
1 Walde, A. A.
1 Walker, Sage
1 Wallace, Daniel
1 Wallace, Robert
1 Walther, Paul
1 Walton, Evangeline
1 Walton, Jo
1 Wandrei, Howard
1 Warburton, Geoffrey
1 Ward, Charles Dexter
1 Warren, Kaaron
1 Watts, Peter
1 Webb, Janeen
1 Webb, Sharon
1 Weiss, Allan
1 Wells, Martha
1 Wesley, Joseph
1 Westwood, Kim
1 Wexler, Robert Freeman
1 Wharton, Ken
1 Wharton, Thomas
1 What, Leslie
1 Wheeler, Wendy
1 Whitbourn, John
1 White, M. E.
1 White, T. H.
1 Whitehill, Joseph
1 Whitley, George
1 Whitlock, Dean
1 Wilcox, Stephen F.
1 Willard, Nancy
1 Williams, Robert Moore
1 Williams, Sean
1 Williams, Tad
1 Williamson, Frederik Pohl And Jack
1 Willrich, Chris
1 Wilson, Andrew J.
1 Wilson, Caleb
1 Wilson, David Niall
1 Wilson, Robin Scott
1 Wilson, Robley
1 Wilson, Sam
1 Wohleber, Curt
1 Wolfe, Bernard
1 Wolfenbarger, Billy
1 Wolverton, Dave
1 Worthington, Will
1 Wright, Gary
1 Wright, T. M.
1 Wyal, Pg
1 Wylde, Thomas
1 Wynne-tyson, Jon
1 Wysong, Brennen
1 Yep, Laurence
1 Yost, Scott D.
1 Young, Roger Flint
1 Yount, Rena
1 Zahn, Timothy
1 Zettel, Sarah
1 Zindell, David
1 Zirul, Arthur

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