The Climb to the Stars : The Growth of (free online) Space Opera - A Mastodon ebook

Dec 13, 2007 00:22

The Climb to the Stars : The Growth of (free online) Space Opera - A Mastodon ebook

edited by H. E. Avenoklewz and I. M. Nutsireus

Mastodon ebooks is an imprint of no-one. You think anyone is that silly?

All rights to all compilations of ancient Tellurian material abolished in the Copyfighter Dktrvian rebellion victory constitution, July 17, 2671.

This ebook is a Virtual Anthology of pre 1960s (or as close as we can work out, that is a hell of a long time ago, ancient literature fans) era Tellurian 'science fiction' written entertainment material, wherein the editors do commit short novelage in the process of availability and variety over quality and quantity when necessary.

Said cheapskate publisher (probably wisely, it must be said given the lack of intellect, experience or knowledge of said editorial staff) has left little space for an introduction.

So, H. E. says Planetary Romance equals lollygagging around the Tellurian solar system, or chopping possibly funnily colored aliens up with swords or maybe blasting them with the odd raygun for variety.

I.M. suggests that Space Opera is tooling around large distances between stars, generally in spaceships and frequently blowing stuff up. Or, to paraphrase the great philospher S'an Knnery from the planet Caledonia IV : never bring an asteroid to a contra-terrene planet fight.

They will also point out that they most definitely make no claims to having been diligent enough to either read or check this, and will cheerfully make the waffling excuse 'hey, it is only the 28th century, you think we can easily classify entertainment, yet?' They will admit that it is more than 100% quantumly certain they have missed plenty.

The editors, however, are competent enough to point out that in the interests of authenticity, the following work is provided in archaic html 'www' technology, and each entry is what was once known as a 'URL' which was accessed via an optical pointing device apparently likened to a rodent.

Part 1 - Planetary Romance

John Carter and the Giant of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs
In Saturn's Realm - George Griffith
Vandals of the Void - James Morgan Walsh
A Conquest of Two Worlds - Edmond Hamilton
The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis - Clark Ashton Smith
Almuric - Robert E. Howard
Man From the Moon - Otis Adelbert Kline
Armageddon 2419 AD - Philip Francis Nowlan

Part 2 - Space Opera

First Contact - Murray Leinster
The C-Chute - Isaac Asimov
Hall of Fame - A. Bertram Chandler
And Devious the Line of Duty - Tom Godwin
Colony - Philip K. Dick
Space Viking - H. Beam Piper
Breaking Point - James E. Gunn
Universe - Robert A. Heinlein
Wreckers of the Star Patrol - Malcolm Jameson
The Map Makers - Frederik Pohl
Agent of Vega - James H. Schmitz
The Ultimate Weapon - John W. Campbell
Black Destroyer - A. E. Van Vogt
The Vortex Blaster - E. E. Doc Smith


Other Reading of Interest from Mastodon ebooks and the Baen Free Library

1. Planetary Romance

Edwin L. Arnold - Gulliver of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 01 A Princess of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 02 Gods of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 03 War-lord of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 04 The Chessmen of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 05 Thuvia
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 06 The Master Mind of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 07 Fighting Man of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 08 Swords of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 09 Synthetic Men of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 10 Llana of Gathol
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Barsoom 12 Skeleton Men of Jupiter
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Venus 02 Lost on Venus
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Venus 03 Carson of Venus
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Venus 04 Escape on Venus

George Griffith - Homeward Bound
George Griffith - A Glimpse of the Sinless Star
George Griffith - A Visit to the Moon
George Griffith - The World of the War God
George Griffith - The World of the Crystal Cities
George Griffith - Honeymoon in Space

Otis Adelbert Kline - Planet of Peril
Otis Adelbert Kline - The Prince of Peril
Otis Adelbert Kline - The Port of Peril
Otis Adelbert Kline - Outlaws of Mars
Otis Adelbert Kline - Maza of the Moon
Otis Adelbert Kline - Jan of the Jungle
Otis Adelbert Kline - Stolen Centuries
Otis Adelbert Kline - Man from the Moon

Philip Francis Nowlan - The Airlords of Han
Philip Francis Nowlan - The Prince of Mars Returns

Garrett P. Serviss - A Columbus of Space
Garrett P. Serviss - Edison's Conquest of Mars

2. Space Opera

Invaders from the Infinite - John W. Campbell
Islands of Space - John W. Campbell
The Black Star Passes - John W. Campbell

And Devious the Line of Duty - Tom Godwin
The Survivors - Tom Godwin

The Pirates of Zan - Murray Leinster

Agent of Vega - James H. Schmitz
Original Edited Edition - James H. Schmitz
TNT Telzey 'n Trigger - James H. Schmitz
Telzey Amberdon - James H. Schmitz
The Hub Dangerous Territory - James H. Schmitz

The Skylark of Space - E. E. Doc Smith
Skylark Three - E. E. Doc Smith
Spacehounds of IPC - E. E. Doc Smith
Triplanetary - E. E. Doc Smith
The Galaxy Primes - E. E. Doc Smith
Subspace Survivors - E. E. Doc Smith
Masters of Space - E. E. Doc Smith

not funny, science fiction, analysis, space opera

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