an astrological paradigm (rough draft)

Apr 16, 2007 14:55

With ascent into Capricornian materialism, modernity and reckless industry, the polarity of Capricorn, Cancer, the deep roots of a swampwater tree, is suffering. The astrological paradigms of other evil ages, the scorpionic nature of the spanish inquisition and also the reign of the soviets, the Taurean age of peace, grassroots religion and developing agriculture; the arian age was also the bronze age, when war and innovations of combat were greatly sought. The piscean age of jesus christ the martyr king, and the martyrs who followed him. the age of aquarius, which we are in currently, or at its impetus, also coloured at this point by another scorpionic position. is there nothing of capricorn to speak of in the charts of the magi? well, neptune entered capricorn in nineteen eighty four and remained there until nineteen ninety eight. during that period of time, our neptunian dreams were focused on success and the highest of all possible material ambition. now granted, one can't blame the imminent destruction of the western world on that single fourteen year span. and there are good things that came about in that generation, nothing fashion wise, but the children imprinted with the tattoo of neptune in capricorn will have a greater desire to return to the good old days. in more aquarian households this means, i've spotted the trend, a return to old-fashioned arts and crafts once relegated to the oddly coloured throw your grandmother had on her davenport, rejuvinating the art to create, within the next couple of decades works of moma quality pieces. also, if you're on the look out for the future generation of the fundamentalist right, here it is, butchered and insular ideals of a new future united states, one right out of the handmaids tale, thank god the children of the nineteen sixties will prevent that from ever happening. Now, what remains for us to do, is to find some way to reconnect with cancer's spiritual roots. the malaise and malignancy of ignoring spiritual truths and needs while persuing this rampant materialism is observable in many places. in the raise in rates of persons who contract cancer, depression, manic depression, schizophrenia, heart disease, lung cancer. cancerian diseases.
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