ainodeluca #21

Jun 30, 2008 13:47

s2: flexible squares - blank

live preview | image preview

designed for: mozilla firefox, 1280x800
accounts: free, paid, plus(? not tested)
comment pages: yes

tiny icons by damnicons - please, credit her/him if using the icons!

download >> link (MediaFire)

enjoy! please, credit me ainodeluca - NOT the community - when using the stylesheet - Thank you.
We have more than 1 maker in the community, so I see it's a bit misleading if the credits of layouts, icons, etc. will be given to the whole community alone.

instructions to use:

01) go to your customize page.

02) select flexible squares from the search box. (if you have used s1 before, make sure you switch to s2 first.)

03) apply theme.

04) next we go to customize your theme.

05) click/select sidebar from the navigation on the left side.

06) make sure these settings are correct:
Show the sidebar? yes
Show the blurb/free text in the sidebar? yes/no
Title of the blurb sidebar box yes/no
Title of the links sidebar box yes/no
Show tags in the sidebar? yes/no
Show the calendar in the sidebar? yes/no

07) if you like to have links in your sidebar go to links list from the navigation.
- continue by clicking manage your links list
- now you can add the links you want to have on your layout. i recommend to keep the link titles short.
- save changes when you're done.

08) now we go back to customize options, and select custom css from the menu.

09) make sure you have the right options:
Use layout's stylesheet(s) no
Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet no
Use external stylesheets no

Then copy past the codes to custom stylesheet box.

10) save changes. and you're done.

If there are any problems or questions, please ask :) Hope I can help.

!layouts, *ainodeluca

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