Paper Angel Theater - The Headache

Dec 11, 2011 18:08

Title: Paper Angel Theater: The Headache
Prompt: Headache/Migraines
Rating: PG
Summary: Emily - Darth Firefly has a lot to do this December. She needed some help to get things done today. Paper Angels to the rescue!

That's Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Dean, Sam and Darth Firefly - just so you know who everyone is.

Darth Firefly - Emily - was very tired and her head hurt. Gabriel felt she needed a rest.

However, she had a lot to do - so she asked her Paper Angel friends for help.

First, Castiel found DF some pain killer.

And Gabriel gave her some chocolate.

Balthazar decided to get the library returns together.

Sam took care of the Christmas Cards.

Dean had to remind Balthazar there'd be time to watch movies later.

Castiel noticed all of Firefly's unfinished prompts -

Sam decided to clean the computer monitor, to see if that helped.

Dean and Cas knew why Firefly was behind - the big bang they stared in kept her busy almost all summer.

Dean tackled cleaning the bathroom -

While Castiel took care of the laundry.

Once she had something to drink, Firefly could tackle another prompt!

Meanwhile, Gabriel found the PERFECT White Elephant gift.

During that time - Sam managed to get the desk clean. No, seriously.

Balthazar realized they'd finished off another prompt during all this work!

DF decided to take a little nap - she'd earned it.

With their hard work done, the boys settled in to watch a movie - though they couldn't find the one they wanted to watch orgininally - ah well, there's always tomorrow!

hc bingo, genre: h/c, paper angels

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