Cher from "Clueless" (
App Percentage:
71.4%Played From: 22/12/05 to roughly 13/06/08
That's How Long? Two and a half years.
Total Comments: 35,828.
Overall Pecentage: 80.03%
Reason For Apping: I got sucked into CFUD through following the Saiyuki cast hijinks and then stalking ItaNeji, and decided I wanted to play there and that Cher would totally work in camp.
Reason For Dropping: I'd been gradually losing steam and neglecting Cher's CR for over a year but I was attached to Cher for being my first (and at that point only) character so I decided I wouldn't drop unless Himejima did. So when Himejima left camp Cher left a week later.
Select Option 3? I was pretty crap from start to finish but the Eurotrash stereotypes post where Cher, Rey and Hatsuharu ended up on an island on the middle of the lake was probably the most fun I ever had in RP. I also cried like a baby when I threaded with Ryuuken in Cher's drop post. ;_;
Sir Austin Danger Powers from "Austin Powers" (
App Percentage:
74.2%Played From: January 3 to November 4 2007
That's How Long? 11 months
Total Comments: 1,600
Overall Pecentage: 3.57%
Reason For Apping/Dropping: Apped because I thought it'd be funny. Dropped because I got bored.
Select Option 3? Penis-pump chandelier.
Courtney from "Jawbreaker" (
App Percentage:
87.5%Played From: 25/10/09 to 18/04/10
That's How Long? Six months
Total Comments: 2,195
Overall Pecentage: 4.9%
Reason For Apping/Dropping: I'd wanted to app her for years and she seemed like a good character to get back into camp with. Dropped when I just stopped wanting to play her.
Select Option 3? She was just fun to turn my brain off and play.
Julio E. Richter/Rictor from "Marvel Comics" (
App Percentage:
90% wtf
Played From: November 2009 to now
That's How Long? 13 months
Total Comments: 3,826
Overall Pecentage: 8.54%
Reason For Apping: He is one of my favourite superhero comic characters and canon hadn't started to suck then so I was really hyped about it.
Select Option 3? I like his relationship with Dairine.
Kate Kane/Batwoman from "DC Comics" (
App Percentage:
83.3%Played From: February 2010 to now
That's How Long? 11 months
Total Comments: 970
Overall Pecentage: 2.17%
Reason For Apping: She's really hot and angry and competent! And starred in a critically acclaimed run in Detective Comics! Also, I wanted to be in DC cast because it looked like fun. I don't play her much (which is probably why I'm best at her - not enough chance to screw up) but I like having her in my line up.
Select Option 3? Mistletoe with Batgirl
Illyria from "Angel" (
App Percentage:
76.8%Played From: late August 2010 to now
That's How Long? Four months
Total Comments: 345
Overall Pecentage: 0.77%
Reason For Apping: I got nostalgic for Angel, read After the Fall and started writing a counselor app. Then left it until months later and started over again I think two nights before the counselor round.
Select Option 3? I've not really done all that much yet. Kind of an intimidating character to play, tbh, and I kind of suck lately.
I've played here HOW long? 2.5 years the first time, 14 months this second time
Overall Comment Count: 44,764
Average Comments Per Day: that is too much work to figure out
Shortest Kept: Courtney - six months
Longest Kept: Cher - 2.5 years
Most Played: Cher (35,828)
Least Played: Illyria (345)
Highest Percentage: Rictor (90%)
Lowest Percentage: Cher (71.4%)